
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

Here is the top 10 list of the most popular networking site.

Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites are the most visited kind of websites in the cyber world today. They attract the most numbers of visitors today. No wonder that facebook became one of the most popular social networking website of our time.

Social networking sites are made for socialization. Creating an account under a social networking site will enable you to upload and download photos of friends, places, events and many other kinds of photos. You can also upload your own video and download others videos. One of the most popular way why social networking sites are known to many people is that you can chat your friends while you are logged in on your account. Its like talking to your beloved one even though they are far away.

Social networking sites also offer many kinds of games. I am one fan of their games specially tetris. I already have 5 Tetris god accounts on Tetris game, yeah no kidding. Latest gaming technology enable social networking sites to promote a game on their site.

For an online marketer, blogger or a web master, social networking sites are one of the best way to promote their products, services, blogs and websites without costing any single cent. Since they attract a lot of visitors you can promote even your little blog on their site and gain lots of traffic.

I searched the cyber world for the top 10 list of the most popular and visited social networking sites today and here is the top 10 list from

1. Facebook

Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites
2. Twitter
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

3. Linkedin
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

4. MySpace
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

5. Google Plus +
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

6. DeviantArt
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

7. LiveJournal
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

8. Tagged
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

9. Orkut
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites

10. Pinterest
Top 10 List of Popular Social Networking Sites
I used Facebook specially facebook pages to create fan pages for my blogs in order for me to promote the contents of my blogs. I also used twitter to tweet my latest updates for my blogs. Google plus is also very usable for my blogs because google plus-ed blogs are automatically added to google search engines.

You can used these social networking sites to promote your own blogs and websites too. Don't just chat and play games. Comment for a purpose. Upload for a reason and who knows you may also own your own social networking site someday.

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