
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Top 10 List of Most Popular Goals Worldwide

Here are the list of the 10 most popular goals worldwide.

Top 10 List of Most Popular Goals Worldwide

This top 10 list is courtesy of But since this blog is only focused on the top 10 list we only get the top 10 goals out of the 100 listed most popular goals today. Here are the top 10 list.

1. lose weight - with 41237 people voted
2. write a book - with 30679 people voted
3. stop procrastinating - with 30187 people voted
4. Fall in love - with 27113 people voted
5. be happy - with 24667 people voted
6. Get a tattoo - with 21982 people voted
7. go on a road trip with no predetermined destination - with 21424 people voted
8. get married - with 21222 people voted
9. travel the world - with 20960 people voted
10. drink more water - with 20202 people voted
Personally speaking my only goal in life is to have a simple life living with my beautiful wife and kids. I am really amazed to found out that others goals is just to have a tattoo? seriously?! Come on! LOL! well well well, we all have our own freedom for whatever goals we wanted to achieve. But to be successful put God first in everything you do. For the God only knew whether he will permits that goal to be achieve or not by you.

Please note that the TOP 10 list here is courtesy of The numbers of votes for the 10 listed popular goals are also from them. Hope this top 10 list of popular goals sets a standard or inspiration for you to be able to establish your own personal goal in life! God bless pals.

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