
Sunday, March 24, 2013

What are some bad health habits?

           We all know that bad habits such as smoking, eating junk food and living a sedentary lifestyle, can cause serious health problems for us. We should try to avoid them. Some of them are following;

1-  Skipping breakfast.

2- Drinking alcohol excessively.
          3- Smoking.

4- Lack of exercise, and adopting lazy lifestyle.

5- Careless driving.

6- Not wearing seat belts or helmet while driving car or bike.
          7- Being Over-eating.

 8- Eating too much fast food.
           9- Eating too quickly.

10- Poor nutrition.

 11- Going to bed without brushing your teeth.

 12- Spending too much time on the couch watching TV.

 13- Adopting behavior that leaves you angry, worried or 

 14- Abusing pain killers and sedatives.
            By avoiding all these habits we can save our life and also of our nearby people at much extent. Many people find it hard to change their poor health habits because their bad habits are enjoyable. 
             Though It is difficult to change a routine which is practiced for year by a person, but at the same time it is very necessary to change it for living a healthy life.We should try to replace our bad health habits with good ones to maintain our health.
                                Stay healthy. God bless you.

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