
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Muhtesem Yuzyil 97 Episode - ENGLISH TRANSLATION!


Muhtesem Yuzyil 97 Episode - ENGLISH TRANSLATION!

In the first scene, we see Hurrem walking in the corridor where she meets Mercan, she continues walking and greets Suleyman who is waiting near his balcony. She greets him and he is quiet. She says: I got the bad news, Ayaz Pasha has died, is that right?" Suleyman replies: "Unfortunately, that is true, Hurrem. This plague illness became the cause of Ayaz Pasha's sudden passing. May God forgive him." Hurrem: "Ameen. God Willing there is nothing else behind this incident, as you are aware, there were as many  people who hated Ayaz Pasha as there were people who loved him." Suleyman: "Ayaz Pasha died at his appointed time, Hurrem. In his place, I appointed Lutfi Pasha. My faith in his loyal service to me, is complete." Hurrem: "I think the same. This is fate. Suleyman, there is something else I wish to speak to you about..."

Meanwhile, Shah is sitting reading, when Lutfi arrives and greets her. He says: "I think the good news I send word of you to has reached your ears." Shah replies that of course she has heard and that may it be for the best. Lutfi smiles and says "God Willing" Then he continues saying: "Finally times have changes... Including the late Ibrahim Pasha, this supreme state has seen enough bad viziers...Thankfully, I am here now..." Then he takes a seat and continues saying that he will do a lot of service to this empire. God Willing. Shah remarks that is due to her that he has arrived at such a in the least, he should not boast that he got here all on his own capabilities in front of her. Lutfi is uncomfortable...there is an awkward silence and then Shah says that Hurrem has returned...and she will go against them now more than ever...and that they must be careful...Lutfi tells her that she should not worry about such things, no one will be able to harm one...he pats her on the leg...then she says, you say it this way, however, Mihrimah and Rustem could get married at any is the issue at hand...we have no choice but to prevent this marriage.  Lutfi nods.

Meanwhile Hurrem and Suleyman are sitting in Suleyman's room and talking. Hurrem says: "Suleyman there are some words going around in the harem...about Rustem Pasha and Mihrimah." Suleyman: "Hmm...I also wanted to talk to you about this matter. As you know, when you were in Edirne, we did not get to tell you about this. Before dying, Ayas Pasha recommended Rustem Pasha as Damat (groom)." Hurrem: "Oh really? What decision did you give then? Or... " Suleyman: "Without speaking to you I did not give any decision of course, as her Valide, what is your thought about it? Do you think Mihrimah is ready for such a marriage? Hmm?" Hurrem: "Forgive my suprise...his happened so suddenly. But, Mihrimah is not a child anymore...If not today, tomorrow she will marry...whatever is in her best interests, May Allah give that to her...Rustem thoughts and opinion of him...we have known for years...I have full faith and trust in him...He is a worthy pasha for our Sultana..." Suleyman says: "I am thinking the same as you. But Mihrimah is the apple of my eye (pupil of my eye/beloved one)...I want to find her happiness in her home (married life)...From what Shah Sultan says, Mihrimah is not in agreement with this this case, I cannot be in agreement with it..."

In the morning in Hatice's palace...Hatice says: "For one moment I thought that you had really gotten Hurrem out of our lives, but she has succeeded in returning...As you have seen now, getting rid of Hurrem is not that easy." Shah replies: "If it had been easy, Ibrahim would be that not right? Besides, Hurrem might have returned...but she is not as powerful as before...With Ayaz Pasha's death, there is no one left of hers in the Divan..." Hatice smiles knowingly and says: "You are right...finally what you got what you wanted...You were successful in making your husband the Grand Vizier." Shah: "This is for everyone's benefit, Hatice. For all of us. And you leave these (issues) now...when are you leaving this Palace...tell me that." Hatice looks at Shah. Shah says: "Our Hunkar wanted you to go immediately to be with your husband. And he is not unjustified..." Hatice is angry and says: "And how did I agree to this marriage? Did you forget? Now how can you wait for me to go to that Palace?!" Shah replies: "There is no meaning to making our Hunkar angrier." Hatice looks surprised beyond words. Shah continues:"If you start preparations at once, you would do good." Hatice: "Me being here, is making you uncomfortable/bothering that right? That is why you told Lutfi Pasha to say I was still here..." Shah: "Hatice! I had nothing to do with this! Our Hunkar was suspicious and questioned him! Lutfi Pasha had no other choice but to tell him the truth. Hatice laughs sarcastically. "I am sure that is what happened. O Allah, what days have befallen us? In my own Palace I am being asked to leave it!" Hatice gets up to leave, Shah calls out to her, but she ignores and storms out...

Meanwhile, Hurrem is having a meal with her children. Everyone is happy to see her. Mehmet says "Thank God you returned" then Beyazid says: "Since you had gone there until you returned, we were worried about you. Thanks to God, you returned, Validem. I missed you dearly." Selim adds: "I missed you the most, Validem. Finally you are here...but...why did you stay in Edirne?" Mehmet adds: "Actually, all of us are wondering about this...we even asked our Hunkar...but we couldn't find an answer..." Hurrem responds: "There is no need to speak about all this, I have come...I am here now...From this point on, we will not be separated." Then Hurrem notices that Mihrimah is unhappy she asks her why she hasn't eaten and Mihrimah asks to be excused, but Hurrem says after you eat...Mihrimah tries to object, but Hurrem stops her and tells her "later"...

Meanwhile, in the Divan, EbuSuud, Lutfi and Husrev are present with the Sultan. Ebusuud is telling the Sultan that despite all their precautions and preparations, the illness is spreading...Suleyman asks how many people have died and Ebusuud replies that unfortunately, five thousand have died because of the plague...he says every day a hundred or so die...and their are a lot more in bed with the illness...Suleyman is saddened and worried by this...he says they have they work quickly and that with Allah's permission they must get this plague to an end...Lutfi says that he wishes to accept a Venetian ambassador today as he is aware, he has been keeping them waiting...Suleyman says alright meet with him, sees what they are saying...Bali Bey enters then and says that Barbarossa has arrived. Barbarossa enters. He first gives condolences and prays for Ayaz Pasha and then congratulates Lutfi Pasha. Suleyman asks him what news he brings from Manisa and Barbarossa replies that Mustafa sends his salaam and that he is in astonishment because he had sent a letter to the Sultan but, it is obvious it didn't get delivered. Barbarossa says another copy is in my hand. He says that the letter is from the Shehzade and Lala Pasha. Barbarossa says he met with Lala as well. Suleyman is troubled and asks Bali Bey how this could happen. Suleyman read the letter then asks that everyone should be questioned, all the messengers so that they can find out what happened to the letter. He then asks Barbarossa to talk about the shipyard...

Meanwhile, Mustafa is in his room pondering over somethings and then Yahya arrives telling him that Barbarossa has arrived to the Pay-i-Taht...and that after a week or so, they should get word from him...Mustafa remarks that there is some worry in Yahya's voice and that he must be waiting for bad news...Yahya says that whatever Allah has written it will happen...but he mentions the going out to sea and worries about this, and that the Sultan will not keep quiet about that...(he will get angry). Mustafa is frustrated and says: "One day if I am destined to get on the throne...I must prepare for that day, Taslicali, because like my father, and my ancestors before...I want to be a sovereign who shakes the world...I cannot do that while sitting in the palace..." 

Meanwhile, Barbarossa is telling Suleyman that Mustafa's intentions were not to make his own fleet (ships).  He simply saw it as a need and benefit for the State only. Suleyman asks what need or benefit that could be, to which Barbarossa responds that as the Sultan is aware, there is some trouble in the Mediterranean sea...he adds that while they were away at war, these troubles multiplied greatly. He says that the Shehzade thought it to be of use against he pirates and also to cut off the relations of the unbelievers with India and Persia. If you see it, it was a very good decision...especially for a youth to think of this...the Pashas are nodding and Suleyman notices...Lutfi says "May God give our Shehzade a long life, it is obvious he is living as a worthy son of our Hunkar, God Willed it (a praise)." Husrev adds saying: "You have a point, Pasha hazretleri, our Shehzade's age is known to you, Hunkarim, there will certaintly be some mistakes in the obeying of rules...only, with time, he will gain experience and will make you proud..." Suleyman asks, slightly annoyed if he has anything else to say, and Barbarossa says there is one more thing, that  Mustafa himself asked him to tell the Sultan about it. Barbarossa tells him there is a Portugese Pirate - Vasco da Gama's son, who is oppressing people, and attacking merchant ships. He continues that the latest was that he kidnapped the son of a man named Shayh Hassan Efendi and asked for a lot of money for ransom.  Suleyman asks what this has to do with his Shehzade and Barbarossa responds carefully by saying that our Shehzade took a fleet from the shipyard and caught the pirate ship on the pretense of paying the ransom... Suleyman, shocked says: "What are you saying, Pasha?! What audacity! How can you allow such a thing?!" Barbarossa responds that he only arrived there once Mustafa had already left...Ebusuud asks if the Shehzade is alright and Barbarossa responds that he is well...that he killed the pirates personally and delivered Hassan Efendi's son to him...Ebusuud says: "Shayh Hassan Efendi is a very respected -" Suleyman cuts him off and shouts: "Not once, not twice! What is the motive of the Shehzade? What insolence! How dare a shehzade go out on the sea! How can he put his own life in danger?! Everyone looks troubled... 

Outside the Divan Sumbul has been listening when suddenly Mercan notices him...Mercan confronts him asking what is going on and that has he now become curious of state affairs and Sumbul tells him "has my doings fallen to you to scrutinize?! Get out of my way ifreet (demon)!"  Mercan tells him to not to stray outside the herd...don't stray so the wolves don't get you! (Sumbul looks like an angry scared cat here hissing at something much larger than him, Mercan doesn't match to be a dog, does he?...what is he? A bigger cat? LOL,) Sumbul says: 'is there a bigger wolf than you?!" (oh we got our answer maybe? Mercan is a wolf?) 

Hurrem is on her balcony with Mihrimah and Hurrem says: "From what I hear when I wasn't here you were discussing your problems with Shah Sultan - even going as far as asking her for help to prevent this, is that right?" Mihrimah says that Shah Sultan herself arrived, that the Sultan had sent Shah to talk to her. Hurrem tells her that did she not tell her not to trust anyone except her mother and asks her how she could trust someone who would want to kill her and and Mihrimah's brothers? Mihrimah mumbles something and gets up... Hurrem goes over to her at the balcony and says: "I wanted you to simply think about this marriage, but it never even went into your mind, is that right?" Mihrimah: "I am not going to marry Rustem...I do not love him. I will never love him...You had made a promise to me...that whoever my heart beats for, you will marry me to them.." Hurrem: "Hurrem, why do you not understand?! There is no feelings from the other side...You are not in Malkocoglu's heart..." Mihrimah says: "No, he only...he had a bad experience...doesn't want to live through the same thing again, he doesn't want to have another broken heart..." Hurrem says: "This might be the thing you want to believe but we both know the truth...You are a Sultana! How does this not hurt your pride? Today or tomorrow a decision will be made, Mihrimah...You will marry Rustem Pasha." Mihrimah: "Our Hunkar, will not give a decision like this without my consent!" Hurrem: "Do not fall into another mistake listening to Shah Sultan's words...your father thinks like me as well..." Mihrimah says: "But Shah Sultan?" Hurrem says: "Her only aim is to prevent this marriage, do you know why? Because Rustem Pasha is loyal to me and your brothers...she does not want him to marry you and become powerful." Mihrimah says: 'And what do you want, Validem? What do you hope from this marriage?" Hurrem: "My only your happiness Mihrimah. Do not dare let anything else come into your head. This marriage will be for the best - especially for your brothers..." Mihrimah says: "In that case, don't speak to me of my happiness...because this is a political decision, is that right?" Hurrem: "Open your eyes Mihrimah! You are not a child anymore! Lutfi Pasha has become Grand Vizier - Shah Sultan has the Divan in her one oppurtunity she will get rid of me. Afterwards, she will get rid of your that what you want?" Mihrimah says: "Of course, not. But to prevent this it is not a condition to marry Rustem Pasha. As your mother, I see it suitable this way. It is the best for all of us. If you want, or don't - you will marry Rustem Pasha. Mihrimah leaves without saying another word...

She goes to her room and is angry and then finds Shah Sultan waiting there...Shah says she came to visit her...and asks what is wrong...Mihrimah says nothing and asks why she came and Shah says she was worried about her...and it is good she came because something is bothering her beautiful niece. She tells Mihrimah not to be scared if she doesn't want this, it won't happen...Mihrimah says she wishes she could be as sure as Shah about that...Shah asks if she is being shy about it because of her mother...You are afraid that she will do everything that she puts her mind to, and that if she says so herself, it is right to be scared...that Hurrem will do everything in her power "but don't be sad, I am with you"...she tells Mihrimah. Mihrimah asks why and Shah asks what kind of question is this, that Mihrimah is her niece, that she does not want her to be sad. Mihrimah says that if that is the case, why does she want to separate her mother from her children? Shah says that she understands her love for her mother but that the real importance, is the Dynasty. She tells her that she is the daughter of Sultan Suleyman. "Meaning you are my blood. I do not know what gets whispered into your ears but I will not let those poisonous words get into your heart. You and your brothers are a piece of my soul. I would never want bad for you." Mihrimah is left thinking...

Sumbul enters Hurrem's room and tells her that Barbarossa has come and is in the presence of the Sultan. He tells her that not only has he opened the shipyard, but he went out to see, and caught a pirate ship personally. Hurrem asks if he is certain about this, and Sumbul responds that he heard it with his own eyes but that Mercan showed up, that he has an eye on the back of his head and that he comes out everywhere in front of him! Hurrem tells him to stop and get back to the subject...and asks what the Sultan said to all this. Sumbul says that he got so angry that the ground shook, but that the Pashas were all trying to help the Shehzade's cause...Hurrem says yes, obviously, the Divan is whatever they want, they will command and that they have to find a solution to this...

Meanwhile, Lutfi and Bali are in the Pasha's Divan area. They are discussing the missing letter. Bali Bey says that there are also Hurrem's letters to the Sultan which were missing, Lutfi asks if he asked Mercan and Bali said he did, and that Mercan doesn't know about it...then Bali says that it is obvious there is a bug running around the Palace....Lutfi says that the Shehzade's letter being missing is important and that whoever is behind it, is obviously an enemy of Mustafa. A man announces the Venetian ambassador Thomaso Conterini. Thomaso enters and tells him that the Venetian Doge congratulates him...that it is good for them and that if he accepts, the Doge has sent a gift for him. Lutfi says good, and that  if the greetings are done, he should get to the point because he does not have time. Thomaso says that they are sad about the war...they wish to conduct a trade agreement, (peace treaty). Lutfi says that they woke up when their fleet was buried under the Prevesa coast... Thomaso says that they are willing to do anything for peace, including pay for war restitution.  Lutfi laughs and says that he should listen to him carefully, that he has a small condition, they will bring all their gold from their treasury and the keys to Rome, then they can talk...(sarcastically) Thomaso says Pasha...but Lutfi dismisses him...

Bali Bey exists when Thomaso tries to talk to him. He invites him to his house for his advice and that he will be very happy if he comes. Bali tells Lutfi what he says and Lutfi says that Bali should go and see what he wants...

Later, Lutfi is walking in the corridor, when he comes upon Hurrem. They greet each other and Hurrem congratulates him for his position and that despite everyone dying from the plague, the plague has generous to you...Lutfi says that he will work hard to be worthy of such a position. Hurrem says it is important because this position is dangerous,  that what happened to Ibrahim Pasha is known...and even Ayaz Pasha...and that hopefully his future/outcome is not like theirs...Hurrem says that send her congratulations to Shah as well, but she wonders how he can look her face to face after what she told him and that for authority and position people can put up with anything it means. Pasha....He says under his breath: "God is with the patient."

Meanwhile, in Manisa, Rumeysa is lighting Mustafa's candles in his room when she notices he is tired. She sneakily offers to massage his shoulders and he says alright, but of course she turns it into something else and he notices so he says that is enough. She leaves smiling.

Mahidevran is in the corridor and meets Yahya. She asks if any news came from the Sultan and Yahya says no, and Mahidevran says she cannot sleep she is so worried and tells Yahya should have prevented Mustafa...then she sees Rumeysa leaving Mustafa's room and looks at her suspiciously...

Meanwhile, Hurrem and Suleyman are together. Hurrem says: "It isn't true that it is not in Mihrimah's's just that she is shocked by it being so sudden...she has a is an important decision obviously...Suleyman says their is no hurry...and Hurrem says yes, you are right..then she says what is wrong with you Suleyman, since I came your face is not smiling...Suleyman smiles and tells her that it has nothing to do with her. She asks if it is because of worry about Mustafa? And Suleyman is shocked that she knows. He asks her how she knows, she says that everyone is talking about this. That their lion Shehzade, brought a pirate to his knees, she says he is so  courageous and smiles. Suleyman is not smiling and says that a Shehzade of the state cannot act like this...that he is the future of the dynasty, and how can he throw his life in danger this way and if something bad happened to him, their condition would be worse...Hurrem says yes, but he is not the only future, there are four other lions too and Suleyman says of course..then she says that "and do not worry yourself, Shehzade Mustafa as you see, is an intelligent, powerful, and stout-hearted (brave) young Shehzade. Despite everything, he does what he thinks is right. Even from now he is in everyone's hearts...the Janissaries do not say anything except Shehzade Mustafa."  Suleyman feels a bit calmer after this. 

Meanwhile, Mahidrevan is with Mustafa and asks him if he wrote to the Sultan and Mustafa says do not worry Barbarossa will handle it. Mahidevran says that still, he should not put anyone between him and his father and Mustafa says "haven't you already understood yet, Validem? Between me and my father there are mountains and oceas...there are cliffs, as every day passes he is growing far from me..." Mahidevran says that thinking this way will not help anyone except Hurrem.  Mahidevran: "And that is what she wants! She is trying to keep you away from your father! But she won't succeed, you are the lion that sleeps in the heart of our Hunkar." Mustafa has a flashback and remembers Mehmet talking about Suleyman's dream about the baby on the throne. Mustafa: "Maybe I am not that lion, validem..." 

Back in Hatice's palace, Lutfi tells Husrev Pasha that the Hunkar was quite upset today, and that the Shehzade must abide by the customs. Husrev: "You are correct... I think it would be good for you as the Grand Vizier to make some suggestions." Lutfi: "I will try me best." Shah: "It seems strange that he make these types of mistakes. Is someone dragging him towards these mistakes on purpose?" Lutfi: "I doubt it, as Taslicali Yahya is always with him and must be giving him advice as well..." Shah: "His advice must not be effective. Mahidevran should also guide him..." Husrev: "These types of errors have always happened. Every Shehzade tries to prove himself to the Hunkar. I doubt it is anything other than this..." Shah: "Yes, but he must be more careful..." Husrev: "You are correct...", he pauses and asks how Hatice Sultan is doing. Shah: "You should ask her yourself, she is your wife. She is in her room right now..." Husrev seeks permission and goes up to visit Hatice. Lutfi: "Our Sultana should be careful. I don't want her to be upset by our Hunkar for no reason." Shah: "If you explain everything that is going on to him then this is what will happen!" Shah: "We have had enough headaches from Hatice Sultan... She should follow the customs." Shah: "I'm not going to learn our customs from you, Pasha! Don't ever interfere in my work every again...!" Lutfi mumbles a Qur'anic verse: "Verily, Allah is with the patient!" 

Meanwhile in Hatice's room, Husrev Pasha is allowed to enter inside, he asks for forgiveness and apologizes for disturbing her. Husrev: "You know the order of our Hunkar... I am to come get you at an opportune time... But I have heard that you have not prepared your things yet..." Hatice: "Because I do not want to leave this palace..." Husrev: "I understand, Sultanim, but do not worry, even though we will live under the same roof, it doesn't mean our relationship will change." Hatice: "This is not even a possibility!" Husrev says that when she is ready, he should inform him and he will pick her up, and then says if he knew that she was happy in this palace, he would do everything in his power to keep her here, but she is not happy, and that maybe leaving this palace might be better for her..."

We then see Suleyman working on some jewelry in his quarters. He summons an agha and Mercan enters the room. Suleyman: "Send news to Shehzade Mustafa, I will be in the hunting lodge in two weeks, he should join me then." Mercan bows and says: "As you command..."

This pic is for Saba Milani Hatun...she entered the room and Suleyman is astonished :P :)

In Manisa, one week has passed, and Taslicali enters Mustafa's room with some news from Istanbul: Ayaz Pasha has passed away, and has appointed Lutfi Pasha in his position, he explains that he died from plague, and was quickly buried. Mustafa: "May Allah forgive him... his sins are many; as he worked together with Hurrem Sultan and killed innocent people, the most important being Ibrahim Pasha." Mahidevran: "She will get the same punishment... Allah has favoured us, Hurrem is exiled and Lutfi Pasha is the Grand Vizier..." Mustafa: "Write Lutfi Pasha a letter immediately congratulating him." Yahya: "Actually she has returned from Edirne to Istanbul... Our Hunkar brought her back himself..." Mahidevran: "I would be surprised if she had stayed there..." Mustafa: "What news is there of Barbarossa? What has our Hunkar ordered?" Yahya: "I think our Hunkar wants to discuss this with you personally. He will be in Bursa in one week..." Yahya then gives Mustafa a letter from the Hunkar.

Back in the divan, Ebusuud Efendi is saying that the construction on Hurrem Sultan's project is going slower than expected, as some problems have been experienced in some areas of the construction, but no lives were lost... Suleyman: "If the Mimarbashi (Head Architect) Alauddin Efendi is not able to complete the project then why is he still occupying his position?" Ebusuud: "He has grown quite old. He is having problems managing his architects." Suleyman: "Lutfi Pasha, give this position to a responsible architect, I want this project to be done before the year is over." Lutfi: "Of course, and I actually have someone in mind... He had already gained your appreciation in the past. Mimar Sinan, who had helped our army cross the Prut river in a short span of time." Suleyman: "Yes, good idea... He is now responsible for this construction, and will be the Head Architect. Inform him of my decision, tell him to get started... As you all know, I am going to Bursa, and Mehmet is coming with me, and I have informed Shehzade Mustafa, we will be there all together."
In Manisa, Mustafa is seen reading the letter from Suleyman ordering him to join his father in the hunt. He tells his mother not to get worried about Hurrem, and he won't allow anyone to get in between him and his father, as he will speak to him in person. Mahidevran: "This is not a good thing, Mustafa...Anything can happen to you there, we need to be careful..." Mustafa: "About what?? I am going to see my father..." Mustafa exits the room and Mahidevran tells Yahya to inform Lutfi Pasha to either come to Bursa too, or send Bali Bey too. Yahya: "I will take care of this..."
Meanwhile in the Venetian Ambassador palace, Bali Bey is visiting ambassador Thomaso. Thomaso: "As you know, during the war we lost much, we are especially facing severe problems economically in terms of trade. We are not able to even sail east of the Mediterranean Sea, the Grand Vizier is quite upset with us, but anger between nations cannot last forever..." Bali: "Yes, but you have deeply betrayed our trust. It is obvious that our relations will not be the same." Thomaso: "We know that the Sultan is angry with us. If you are able to change his opinion, you will receive a huge reward from us for this..." Bali: "How dare you? Are you trying to bribe me???" Thomaso: "You misunderstood me... If trade resumes, we will all benefit from this..." Bali: "Only our Hunkar can decide on war and peace..." Thomaso asks Bali Bey to arrange for a meeting with the Hunkar, and Bali Bey refuses. Suddenly Thomaso's niece enters the room, and Thomaso introduces Sylvia to him, but they have already met before, Bali Bey says that they met during the Italian campaign... they had an ehem, relationship none of us knew about....Bali Bey asks her how long she has been in Istanbul, and she says one or two weeks, she arrived upon the insistence of her uncle. Thomaso says that she is intent on going back. Bali Bey: "I agree you should stay, Istanbul is the most beautiful city in the world..." Sylvia: "Actually I would like to stay a bit longer, of course if you will accompany me..." Bali: "With pleasure..." Bali Bey starts to leave and Thomaso reminds him to think about their discussion. After he leaves, Thomaso tells Sylvia that she needs to meet with Bali Bey, as if she is able to get him to support them, they will have gained a huge victory... Sylvia says: "You can be sure that we will meet again..."

The next scene takes place in Rustem Pasha's room in Diyarbekir, an agha brings a letter from Hurrem Sultan, which reads:

"Rustem Pasha, you were right. The plague has softened our Hunkar's heart, he accompanied back to Istanbul. Thankfully our relationship is better than ever before. But upon my return, I found out that Ayaz Pasha died from the plague, and it is probable that they actually spread it to him purposefully! This situation has benefited Lutfi Pasha, as he is now the Grand Vizier... As you can imagine, they now control the divan... You must marry Mihrimah Sultan and enter the divan quickly, but they are trying to prevent this as well...You must wait in Diyarbekir until I sort things out, and you must be very careful, as they will want to take your life as well..." 

Rustem burns the letter and looks furious and paces around the room. 


Rustem opens the door and Nigar enters. She sees the burning letter and smiles. "You have gotten the good news." Rustem says "Oh it means you knew." Nigar says :" You took Shah sultan lightly, and fell into a big mistake. The situation is apparent. The first thing you should do is ask for her forgiveness. And go back on wanting to marry Mihrimah Sultan. Otherwise, you are next in line..." Rustem gets mad and holds her face tightly (actually, the way he is pulling her face looks like he is trying to make her do the sideways smile like him lol) He says: "Are you threatening me? Or has Shah sultan sent you to me to kill me?" Nigar: "There is no benefit for me in your death. My place is with you. Be powerful, so I can also be powerful." Rustem: "Rustem, "Nigar hatun, if you wish to leave her when the time comes to leave on your feet, then behave." 

In Istanbul, Hurrem is waiting when Sumbul enters and motions for another woman to enter, and announces that he has found a cariye from the household of Shah Sultan and she is ready for orders. Hurrem asks her name. "Ahsan" Hurrem: "Do you know why you are here?" Ahsan:" Sumbul agha told me, serving you is a great honour." Hurrem tells her that if she completes her task, she can ask for whatever she wants...and she adds no one should no...there should be no mistakes, or else her head will roll...

 Meanwhile, Shah is saying goodbye to her neice and nephew when Hatice enters ready to leave. She tells her kids to wait in the carriage but the children object saying they want to stay in this palace and Hatice tells them, "this is our Palace, when the time comes we will surely return." The kids reluctantly leave and Hatice is with Shah. Shah: "be certain this is better..." Hatice: "God is my witness, if I were to drink Hurrem's blood, my heart would not become cold (It would not satisfy my anger), but she was right in her words about you. I shared my palace with you like your own one opportunity you married me off and cleared your way. Now your husband is Grand Vizier. My life, you are now living... " Shah says: "What happened to you, I am not at fault for that." Hatice says: "Right, this oppression our Hunkar did to me. But I only want you to know this, my sister: Lutfi Pasha can become Grand Vizier, but he can never be an Ibrahim. " She leaves...

Meanwhile, outside Lutfi is telling Husrev to join the Sultan when he goes to Bursa and to try to help Mustafa, Husrev says he had to tell the Sultan many times, because he did not want me to leave Hatice alone...Then Hatice arrives, and Lutfi says I think we may leave...and Lutfi bids her farewell but she does not even look at him...

The next scene shows us a construction site. Matrakci looks at some drawings and plans and then Mimar Sinan sees him and approaches. Matrakci asks why the measurements are a certain way, and Mimar says he is getting inspiration from the Hagia Sophia, it is very hard and his nights are not nights and his days are not days. They talk about the man who designed the Hagia Sophia, and comment how it was the biggest church and now is the biggest mosque. Then they say the largest church is now built by the Spanish, the Santa Maria. Matrakci asks if he has intentions of making something bigger than that and he said it did cross his mind, but it is very hard...Then Matrakci tells him has he heard of the project (complex of buildings and mosque) at the woman's market and why is the head architect not finishing that already? and Sinan says the math for that was his (Sinan's), but the Head architect is having trouble, and it isn't his fault...even he has trouble understanding his own designs. Matrakci tells him that he has to go and see the project and Sinan laughs, until Matrakci mentions it is Suleyman who has ordered this...

Meanwhile, Hurrem arrives in Suleyman's room. Suleyman tells her  he wanted to tell her somethings about the complex of hers. She says she wanted to ask him too because it seems nothing is happening and Suleyman tells her he fired the Head architect and in his place, as put a man named Sinan (a member of the bodyguard rank in the army of the Sultan), and Hurrem wonders if such a man can do the job and Suleyman tells her not to worry, that he is very capable as he had seen when he built a bridge at the Prut River. Hurrem says great..then her face falls again and she says "Tomorrow you are leaving again, Suleyman," Suleyman says "God Willing..." Hurrem tells him that Mehmet told her Mustafa will also be meeting them. Then she says: "I hope everything is well. Mustafa might have made a mistake but I do not think he had bad not make yourself or him not forget the janissaries love Mustafa too, so they do not want to make him sad... Suleyman says "who gets sad, who doesn't I make that decision, Hurrem. Mustafa knew very well about the magnitude of what he has done, about going out to sea...despite this, doing it, I do not see that as a mistake, I see that as him doing so with bad intentions!" Hurrem: "Our Shehzade is the dynasty's this young age living with all this love and praise, it is not is not his fault, he could have simply been influenced." Suleyman: "They cannot! My Shehzades should not fall to pride or arrogance!" 


Back in the construction site, Sinan is telling Matrakci when are we going to the women's market to see the project, I wish to speak to the Head Architect. Matrakci says, "oh you don't need to go there to meet him, you are the Head Architect." Sinan says "forgive my curiosity did you say Head Architect or did I imagine?" Matrakci shows him a document and says Lutfi Pasha recommended you and the Sultan appointed you. Sinan is shocked and says then he must get to work, he needs to find the designs and numbers for it!

In Hatice's new Palace, Hatice is sitting with her children and her daughter says where will I stay? and Hatice tells her she will stay in a room just next to hers and that Osman will be right across from it. But Osman does not want to see his room...Then Husrev enters and he asks if they need anything at all, because he is leaving for Bursa in the morning - he will go for a week or ten days, they will meet Shehzade Mustafa too. Hatice tells him "May your way be open" and Husrev says for her comfort and convenience, every precaution has been taken care of. Then he exits...Hatice says to her servant that the kids can sleep in her room for the night...

In Bursa, Mustafa arrives to the Sultan's camp. He walks to the Sultan's tent where the Sultan is waiting and when he goes to kiss his father's hand, the Sultan doesn't let him and stands up and says "Finally you could come. Let us go at once for the hunt." Mehmet greets his brother. While they are walking on the hunt. Suleyman is with Mehmet at the front telling him: "Your prey should never scare you, Mehmet. You will pursue it with patience, and you will wait. It will approach you slowly. You will be quiet as the animal. You do not show your weapon to it, or your intention." (Mustafa meanwhile notices his father is acting angrily towards him and excluding him). Suleyman continues " You won't even make noise when you breath. And when you find the opportune moment, you are going to take aim with your arrow and thrust it into its heart that moment!" Mehmet and his father smile. Mustafa asks Husrev what is going on, his father doesn't even look at his face and Husrev says he might be waiting for you to ask for forgiveness. 

Meanwhile, Mahidevran is worrying in Manisa. She says that this is not a good sign being called this way, and that Hurrem would not escape this opportunity, she says she wonders what Hurrem has told the Sultan...she says she warned Mustafa so many times...Fidan tells her not to worry, Mustafa will return safe and sound...Mahidevran prays and says God Willing...

At the camp, Suleyman looks back at his two sons talking and remembers talking to Ibrahim and saying: 'You wished to save/protect Mustafa is that right?" Ibrahim says: "It is my duty." Suleyman says: "Who are you protecting from whom?!" Then Mehmet and Mustafa approach the Sultan and Mehmet asks why they have stopped. Mustafa says: "Hunkarim" and the Sultan momentarily smiles at him then ignores him again. Then Suleyman says that at one point, he had come here with his father Sultan Selim. Mehmet: "May his place be in heaven" Suleyman: "Ameen." Mehmet: "He really loved going hunting." Suleyman: "Yes, but that was not our reason for coming here. We came for another reason here. We spoke about my uncle, God forgive him, Shehzade Korkut. He was regent when Mehmet II, his grandfather died, until his father, Beyadid II arrived to Istanbul. This is why he got proud. He was appointed in Manisa, and had ambitions saying the Manisa air didn't suit him, as he wanted to be closer, and later was moved as a lesson, to Tekke Sanjak (Antalya) which was farther away....but my uncle was not someone to understand such things well, he continued in his ways...he wanted to return to Manisa...when it was refused, he left his Sanjak and was going to go off to Hajj as a pilgrim, but instead of visiting Hajj, he actually secretly went to Egypt to the Mamluks....he returned months later...Mustafa, my uncle Korkut, God's mercy on him, resembles you greatly...he was really curious about the sea too... He used the sea to save Muslims who had fallen as captives, he also used it to help warriors (in God's path) by having ships are built for their use. After my father Selim took the throne, he did not touch my uncle, no matter how much my uncle kept saying that he had no interest in being the Sultan, unfortunately he was not able to stop the fire burning inside him."  Mehmet asks if he committed treason, Suleyman replies that no, but that he got into a situation. He responded to a letter written from the Viziers to the Pay-i-Taht, and upon this, soldiers were sent and he was captured. On the way back to Istanbul, one of the soldiers drowned him. Suleyman says: "And at that time, this incident became a lesson for me. Every Shehzade in their right mind, will take a lesson from this incident. Suleyman takes an arrow and says, come Mehmet...they go off without Mustafa...

Later at night, Mustafa is eating by the fire with Yahya. Yahya asks if he was okay. Yahya asks him if he is alright, and Mustafa says that the Sultan thinks he has betrayed. He says how could this get into his head? Yahya says "you must talk to him, Shehzadem, you must tell him what really happened." Mustafa says he does not think he can change his thinking. Yahya replies that the Sultan will understand his innocence...Mustafa looks at the tent of the Sultan and then goes to it...

Suleyman is with Mehmet. Mustafa greets him. Mehmet tries to leave, but Suleyman tells him to stay. Suleyman says there is no need to hide it from his brother right? And Mustafa says of course. Mustafa says "I knows I did not follow the rules and that it was not right going ahead with such things without permission from you. I have made you sad.  For this, I am asking for forgiveness, forgive me." Suleyman says: "Is it this hard for you to ask forgiveness, Mustafa? In front of you is a Sultan." Mustafa says " Never, I am sad that it has come to this...because I am your son,  I have no desire to mix my power with yours. Impossible. You were away on war. I just wanted to protect our lands. I had sent word...but my letter did not reach you." Suleyman: "You did not get an answer. But despise this, you did what you wanted." Mustafa replies: "I was certain that I had to take action immediately, Hunkarim. That is why, in order not to lose time I moved early (with opening the shipyard)." Suleyman says: "Then in that case, you do not call it a mistake, Mustafa. You put yourself in my spot and under my name, took a decision." Mustfa: "No, I-"  Suleyman: "Furthermore, then you went out to sea and attacked that pirate are you going to explain this?! What is your motive with this, Mustafa?! How can a shezade put his life like this in danger?!  Over there, anything could have happened to you!  God forbid, you could have been the one to die, not the pirates! Or they could have kidnapped you and taken you to their lands! In that case you would become like Cem Sultan, a game in their hands." Mustafa: "You are right, Hunkarim,  I should have thought of these things, but I " Suleyman: "You didn't think!  Because you trust yourself too much, Mustafa! Is that not right?! Shame! Arrogance has already taken you over. Pride has become a veil over your eyes! Instead of asking for forgiveness, you are telling me of your innocence! Do not forget that pride and arrogance is the animals of Satan! If you do not order them...they will order over you!  

In Shah's Palace, a servant girl is looking at Lutfi in a way that catches Lutfi's eye. Shah says: "There is no news from our Shehzade right? God Willing Husrev Pasha has shown our Shehzade the right way." Lutfi says that it is good that Husrev is there with him. Shah says she will go check on Esmahan and that she has not eaten. Lutfi asks what is wrong and Shah says she is you know she is not seeing Mihrimah...Lutfi is left alone. He gets up and the girl goes to pick up something then asks forgiveness. he stops her and tells her to stay away and that he notices her behavior as of late. 

Bali Bey is walking with the Venetian Woman Silvia. Silvia comments how fate brought them together here. Bali says that it was Thomaso who brought them together but Silvia says that if he had known that they know each other, he would have brought her to meet Bali a long time ago, he is wanting to see the Sultan for a long time now. Silvia says she  would come happily for this - she must trick him...Bali Bey says that in that case, she will have to stay here and persuade him... An agha is watching them from behind...

Mihrimah is in her room and gets a letter. She opens it and she reads it. She is happy, until she reads the words Diyarbekir...

"The compassionate sun on the face of this mighty world - the shining moon of goodness, my precious Sultanim, 

Pity this Rustem slave of yours, who is having trouble even breathing being away from you in Diyarbekir.

I thank Allah that, the shining sun in the day and the moon that is born at night...brings me your beauty to these far away lands..."

Mihrimah rips the letter...

Meanwhile, the Venetian woman is telling Bali Bey that she is curious about the Palace. Especially Hurrem Sultan...that she has heard many things about her. Bali Bey tells her not to believe everything she hears. She says that the Sultan's eyes do not see anyone but her...and for years...this part is true, is that right? Bali Bey says it appears that way. She says everyone thinks Hurrem has done some witchcraft on him...if that is the case, she wishes to know what kind of magic this is...Bali Bey says that if her intentions are to entrap him, there is no need...but her beautiful hair, her eyes are enough...the spy agha watches them and goes away...Bali Bey notices someone was spying and when he goes the spy says I was just is not my fault, I had an order, Mihrimah Sultan gave me this order...she wanted to know what you were doing, where you were going...the guy runs away...Bali Bey is disturbed...He goes back to Bali and the woman asks who it was, and he says it was not important...

In Bursa, Husrev, Suleyman, Mustafa and Mehmet are eating. Suleyman tells them that Sultan Selim his father was a great huntsmen. They pray for him. Suleyman takes off his thumb ring and says that it was a gift from his father Selim, to him, when they had gone hunting in Manisa. Suleyman says that the time has come to give the present to someone himself. He gives it to Mehmet, to the dismay of others  and Mehmet wears it as Mustafa watches. Husrev looks dissapointed. Mustafa says Hunkarim, the time has come for me to leave if you permit. Suleyman says alright, and to send his greetings to Mahidevran. Mustafa goes to kisses his father's hand and hugs his brother. Outside, Mehmet rushes to his brother and says wishes you could stay longer, and he is sad about all that has happened, he says he even spoke to the Sultan and told him that Mustafa loves you, is loyal to etc. Mustafa says that this will make him look more bad but Mehmet says he only wishes...seeing his father so angry.. Mustafa replies what anger? Between a father and son, can there be anger? Between brothers can their be hate? Mehmet asks him then why are you like this? what is the reason for this pain? Mustafa says he has to go. Mehmet stops him and says "Brother, forgive me if I do something to make you upset, without wanting to," Mustafa holds his neck lovingly "this should be a lesson to you, Mehmet, one day you will go for Sanjak, do not fall into making mistakes like me." Mehmet says that no matter what he is proud of him. It takes a lot of courage to go against Pirates. If he was in his place, he would have done the same thing." Mustafa says he is certain of that. He would have earned everyone's respect, especially the Sultan's...he leaves...

In Istanbul, Mihrimah is asking the spying agha what Malkocoglu has been up to. The agha says that today he was with a foreign woman...they were intimate...Mihrimah asks what this means and the agha lowers his head. Mihrimah is frustrated and tells him to continue pursuing...she wishes to know who the woman is. The agha says he cannot, because Bali Bey caught him. Mihrimah says does he know it was me? the agha says yes, he would have killed me! Mihrimah is disgusted and tells him to get out of her sight. Then tells him to wait. She tells him to find out who the woman is, but this time be careful, if he makes a mistake, she will punish him. The agha leaves..

Meanwhile, Hurrem meets with Ahsan the cariye who is trying to seduce Lutfi. She tells Hurrem it is not working...Hurrem says without Shah knowing, you have to carry this work out...Ahsan says do not worry, if not today, tomorrow I will bring you good news...Ahsan is dismissed and Hurrem is with Fahriye. Hurrem asks Fahriye about the condition of Shehzade Mustafa. Fahriye says she spoke to Sumbul and that there is no word yet, and that she doesn't think anything will happen. Hurrem says "Fahriye, what do you think I am waiting for? Do you think I am waiting for news of the Shehzades death? A rugged fortress like Mustafa will not fall so easily...saving us from Ibrahim Pasha was like another rugged fortress...for years we tried, but finally succeeded. I have opened  a huge hole in the middle of this fortress, and they are trying with their lives to repair it, but they won't be able to... The ground is shaking again..."

Mercan sees Ahsan in the palace. He asks her what she is going in the Palace and she says she has come to get Shah Sultan some medicine. Mercan is suspicious of her.  That night, Shah is in her room reading, when Lutfi arrives. Shah asks if there is any news, and Lutfi says no. Lutfi takes a seat on the bed, and strokes her hair, and asks how Hatice is in her new palace..Shah says that for a while she needs to be left alone..and that she will get used to it of course. Lutfi touches his wife, who says it is late and for him to go to his room and rest. He laughs and says he has no need, that this is good, but Shah says "I said, go to your room!" He chuckles...and then says: 'I understand Hatice's situation - she has someone else in her heart...forgetting is hard...but what is your situation Sultanim? For who are you holding up this way?" Shah Sultan says: "What does this mean?" And Lutfi reponds: "By God, you will tell me Sultanim, as my wife, you are the one who is negligent in your duties...every time you had an excuse. You not wanting me, is obvious as day. But the reason for this, is as dark as the night. Or, do you have someone else in your heart? For example...someone from the past...someone who has left..." Shah angrily says: "How dare you? Who the heck are you to speak to me this way?! Does it befall our servants to question us?! Get out of my room at once. And don't dare come back to my room again." Lutfi is angry and leaves. Shah is annoyed. 

Lutfi goes off angry and mumbles a prayer to give him patience. He arrives at his room and storms in to find Ahsan lighting candles...Ahsan just stands there looking pretty and Lutfi tries to ignore her as she continues lighting candles...she obviously doesn't help the situation. He drinks water. She goes over to the same table to light a candle. Then she asks if he needs anything. He tells her to leave him alone. He prays for protection. He can't take it anymore so he goes to her, and checks out her shoulder lol. 

Shah is in her room thinking and she sits up...Lutfi comes to his senses and tells Ahsan to leave him alone and not put him into sin, or he will take her life with her own hands. Mercan sneaky that he is is spying when he sees the girl leave the room and he peeks into the room and sees Lutfi throw himself on the bed and gets the wrong impression. 

Shah is in her room pacing when a cariye informs her Mercan has come. She accepts him and asks why at this time he is there. Mercan says he worried about her...she says if something has happened, tell me. Mercan says that he was just worried about her. He pauses then says, Ahsan had come to get medicine from the palace, and Shah says she sent her. Mercan says alright, Mercan says he sees her very troubled. Shah says " do not even ask. It is obvious, Hurrem has messed with Lutfi's mind. After he has become Grand Vizier, he has fallen into arrogance. Keep your eye on him." Mercan replies telling her not to worry, that always, his eyes will be on him. They smile at each other. (Mercan so loves this woman!)

In Manisa, Mahidevran waits impatiently for her son in his room, and then he arrives. She asks what happened and Mustafa replies that "it was apparent, he wished to teach me a lesson, and I got my lesson and came back." Mahidevran looks confused and they sit and she asks what that means and Mustafa says I told you, there is a great distance between me and my father. Mahidevran tells him not to go by his emotions. She says that "he is your father and your Hunkar. If you make a mistake, of course he will warn you," Mustafa says that he told him about what happened to his great uncle... Mahidevran is worried. She says: "This is the fate of a Shehzade, they will send you to a Sanjak, and you will gain much experience in how to run a nation, and then somehow, you will be blamed for the things you are supposed to be doing... Your father also went through the same things here. He is angry with you for sailing on the seas, but he had done the same thing. Him and Ibrahim got away from their guards and went on adventures, but he also came extremely close to death on two occasions, and Ibrahim saved him the first time, and Valide Sultanim saved him the second time... From now on, you must be more careful from your friends and your enemies, do not give them opportunities..."

In Istanbul, Suleyman has arrived back home and he rushes to embrace his wife and kisses her. He says: "Hurremim..." She says: "Thank God you returned...especially when this illness is spreading, I was so scared..." He says that he spoke with Moshe Effendi and that the plague illness is getting less. She asks about Mustafa, he says that Mustafa is a smart Shehzade, he had already realized his mistake and asked forgiveness... and sent him back to the Sancak and that he will be careful from now on. Hurrem says she is so pleased to hear this and happy and that this matches how a Shehzade should be....

Meanwhile, Silvia is being dragged in the garden by some aghas blindfolded, to Mihrimah. Mihrimah reveals herself. "Signora Silvia." Silvia says: "Who are you? What do you want from me?!" 

Meanwhile, Matrakci and Bali Bey are sitting together and Matrakci asks him who Silvia is. Bali Bey smiles and says that she is Thomaso's niece.  That they have met from before. He says he did not know he would see her again, especially in Istanbul this way...Matrakci says "oh ho! when is the marriage?" And Bali Bey says, "what marriage? without knowing me don't talk"...but he adds, but I must say, she is quite a  charming woman. Spending time with her makes me very happy." Matrakci says "akh, my Bey, akh...while there is the matter of Mihrimah Sultan and that snake Rustem getting married..who are you spending time with?" Bali Bey: "Even though she doesn't want this marriage, I cannot do anything to help." Matrakci: "What do you say? Are they going to marry her to Rustem Pasha?" Bali Bey: "I do not know...but our Sultana is very sad...her sadness is making me sad is apparent, Hurrem Sultan is putting pressure on her. How much she will be able to endure."

Back in the garden, Mihrimah asks Silvia how long she will be staying and Silvia says who are you to ask and Mihrimah says it is not important who she is, the important thing is for what she wants. Mihrimah tells her she recommends her to go back because it is hard to be happy here...Silvia says what do you want from me? What did I do to you?! Mihrimah goes closer and says I know you are Venetian and it is apparent you are trying to spy by getting involved with an Ottoman Bey...If you leave at once, it will be good for you and the man you were walking with together...She walks away. 

Hurrem is getting ready, looking a mirror, when Sumbul arrives smiling. The cariyes leave and Sumbul says how can I not be happy? I spoke to Ahsan hatun and she told me to tell you to wait for some good news soon...Hurrem says good, finally there is good news...and Sumbul says what to do now? And Hurrem says no need to hurry..and that Shah Sultan's fate will be like Hatice's...Then Fahriye enters and Hurrem says don't wreck my happiness with bad news and Fahriye tells her there is something she should know about Mihrimah. 

In Shah's palace, Lutfi is eating when Ahsan looks at him and he avoids her. She serves him food and he looks agitated. She keeps waiting for him to look at her. Whenever he glances at her, she smiles. Shah is quiet. Lutfi tells the Ahsan if she is finished to leave, the aghas will take care of the rest. Go. Ahsan goes. Shah notices something is wrong...

Meanwhile, Hurrem is waiting for her daughter who arrives. Mihrimah says she was in the gardens..Hurrem says I know exactly where you were...Mihrimah says she doesn't know what she is talking about...Hurrem says Silence Mihrimah! Do not lie while looking at my face! She asks her how her daughter, her Sultana, puts her pride under foot and does these things...asks how she could speak to that woman! Mihrimah replies that the woman does not know who she is... Hurrem says if nothing, you have thought of you not understand yet? You still think Bali Bey thinks of you...loves you see, he leaves you and who is he spending time with?? Hurrem says it stops here! The time to end this has come!

Bali Bey is in his room when Sumbul has arrived. Matrakci asks if Mercan allows him to come this way (joke) and Sumbul says ohhh has it befallen him to tell me what to do? Bali Bey says what do you want? Bali Bey says Hurrem Sultan wants to meet you. Bali Bey gets up and says here? Sumbul says no, but the marble palace. 

Bali Bey arrives to meet Bali Bey. She says I want to talk to you for the last time about Mihrimah. You know Mihrimah's feelings for you. No matter how much I don't want it, it is the truth and she says you feel the same.  Bali Bey says "Be certain that I did not even do a thing for her to think this way." Hurrem says: "Are you sure?" Bali Bey: "There is nothing of this kind. But I cannot tell her the truth." Hurrem says what is the truth? Why do you not love her?" Bali says: "Sultanim, forgive me, but, she is still a child in my is impossible to look at her any other way." Hurrem says: "Okay, for your honesty I thank you, you may leave." He leaves...

Hurrem walks the other way to a door where Mihrimah has been listening. She says: "Mihrimah, my beautiful girl, you can be angry with me now, but it was important for you to hear the truth with your own ears." Mihrimah looks at her mother and walks away.

She goes to her room and cries with pain and hurt. 

Meanwhile, Suleyman is with Sinan, and Sinan says: "Hunkarim, when thinking about the layout of the Avratpazari neighbourhood, it would be best for the mosque to have one minaret and one dome, also, I am going to increase the amount of windows to increase the air flow, and I also calculated the brightness of the light for every moment of every day, so the mosque will never be dark... And since this side of the mosque will be warmer, I was thinking of building the ablution area here (ablution is done by Muslims before each prayer, to cleanse the body as they stand before Allah to pray to Him), and across from the treasury, there will be a hospital and school." There is a knock at the door, and Hurrem has arrived. Suleyman tells her to enter and she does. She is introduced to Sinan and Hurrem greets him. She says that they have said his hands work quickly, and how long will it take to complete and he says 6 months. She is happy...

Meanwhile, Mihrimah cries and then wipes her tears. She looks determined suddenly. She goes out of her she comes down the hall, Sinan sees her...he is taken from that moment..He looks away quickly as she approaches. He bows and greets her...she does not even see him...then it is as if he was struck by lightening! (or by the sun and the moon together).

Hurrem is still inside the room discussing her project for the complex, she says she wants it to finish so the worshipers can start praying and the hungry can start eating and the sick can start healing (mosque, hospital, and soup kitchens for the poor) Suleyman is proud of her and tells her not to worry Sinan will do it. Mihrimah is announced, and she enters. Suleyman goes to her and kisses his daughter on the head. She suddenly says: "As you know, the issue at hand is the question of marrying Rustem Pasha...I have thought about it for a long time and have made a decision...if you see it as fit, I am accepting to marry Rustem Pasha." She looks at her mother. Who smiles at her proudly. 

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