
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Muhteşem Yüzyıl 95 Episode - ENGLISH TRANSLATION


Sumbul announces Hurrem's arrival into the Harem main hall...she walks in and looks angry. 

In Edirne, Shah Sultan is speaking to Suleyman and Gulfem stands looking worried beside her. Shah Sultan speaks: "I tried to help her, only she did not accept, as soon as I found out the situation, I closed the loan, and I got hold of this document. I was hit in the head when I saw Hurrem's Muhr (seal). How could she be this negligent? While being in war, how could she take a loan from the Venetians...the issue is about the esteem of our Hanedan! (Dynasty)."

Suleyman: "Bandits attacked you on the way...and you are saying Hurrem did this?!" Shah Sultan replies: "Who else could it be, since, they specifically asked for this document...Gulfem is witness." Gulfem says: "It is true, Hunkarim, anyway, they left without taking anything else..." Suleyman looks horrified by what he has just heard.

In the harem, Rakel has been caught and Hurrem, along with Sumbul and Fahriye enters a room where she is being kept. Hurrem says: "Rakel Hatun, with what nerve (how dare you) play games with me?" Rakel says: "What game, I did not do anything" Hurrem: "Rakel Hatun, do not lie any more, it is obvious that Shah Sultan has bought pulled me into a trap (with the money that went missing), after you advised me to take money from this woman..." Rakel tries to speak but Hurrem slaps her and says: "If you wish to leave her safely, tell me the truth are serving Shah Sultan is that right?" Rakel: "No...I can assure you, I have not done anything...but..." Fahriye grabs her arm and shouts at her: "But what Hatun? Speak up!" Rakel, crying says: " Signora Portia...Shah Sultan threatened her...she was very scared...she asked me what to do...I said she should come to you...I said you would save her..." Hurrem: "You are telling me this now!?"  Rakel: " I thought she came, Sultanim...but I guess she preferred to obey Shah Sultan..." Hurrem turns to Sumbul: "Sumbul agha, find that woman for me. Wherever she is hidden, find her, they will both be witnesses against Shah Sultan!"

Back in Edirne Saray, Suleyman says: "If there is nothing else to say, then too Gulfem. Shah says that this is all, but then she adds "forgive me, telling you these things, I did not wish to make you sad...I simply wanted you to know the truth." Bali Bey arrives and says: "Hunkarim, I have sent my most trusted men..." Suleyman orders him to go to the Pay-i-taht: "Go, get Hurrem Sultan, and bring me." Shah and Gulfem look at each other...

Hurrem has not sleep at all, she looks weary and tired. She stands at her balcony when Sumbul arrives and she asks him what he did, if they found the Venetian woman. Sumbul says that unfortunately they have not, that she must have hidden herself well...Hurrem says it  is imperative to find her, and that before them, no one else must meet her. Sumbul replies that Duzgun agha is looking everywhere for her...specifically stopping the boats...Hurrem says they will see...then she tells Sumbul to leave her alone as she wishes to think. When Hurrem notices that Sumbul is still there, she says "why are you writhing?! (twitching lol). Sumbul says: "Bali Bey has come Sultanim, he is awaiting you..."

Bali Bey awaits outside the Has Oda (Sultan's Chamber). Hurrem arrives in the hallway and greets him. "Welcome, Malkocoglu, you said it was important...our Hunkar and my Shehzades are safe and sound God Willing?" Bali Bey replies that they are all safe and sound and that he has gotten an order to take her to Edirne. Hurrem asks what this means and Bali says that he has no information, that the Sultan wants to see her at once. Hurrem replies that if that is the case, she will get ready. 

Meanwhile, Shah Sultan and Lutfi are together. Lutfi congratulates Shah saying that she has thought of everything...but that there is something she has forgotten that Hurrem Sultan has a tongue of poison (she will get out of it somehow). Shah replies that this time she has nothing in her hands to defend herself...Lutfi says that there is no need for anything, everyone knows the Sultan's feelings for her and years ago she pierced his heart like an arrow...  "mark my words even if the world stops, it will not change anything!" Shah gets angry and asks whose side he is on...Lutfi replies that the past is obvious..."Hurrem Sultan will surely find a way, and she will escape from this with a clean forehead (without any blame) and you will fall in our Hunkar's eyes just like Hatice Sultan." ( ahahaha Lutfi blows off the excess sugar from the Turkish delight, it is as if he is saying "Hey...I am a simple man, just want some simple pleasures in life, nothing extra, lol).

Hatice is with Sahra hatun. Hatice tells Sahra that she saw a grave in a forest and that at the head of the grave was a woman. Sahra asks if she saw the face of the woman and Hatice replies that she knows the woman and that she called her the next day, that she questioned her, but that she did not know anything. Sahra says that the Lord has answered her prayer and shown her the right path...then she says that whoever the woman was, that she was lying to her (to Hatice). "You should have no doubt, Sultanim. The person who will lead you to Merhum Ibrahim Pasha's grave, is her...

Later, Bali Bey stands by the carriage, waiting. An agha announces Mihrimah's arrival. Bali Bey asks how she is, and Mihrimah asks him if he is really asking cause he cares to know, or just out of politeness. She continues to say that for months she must not have even crossed his mind, but that for her, even one night did not pass that she did not even pass a single night without thinking about you..but of course, this means nothing to you...Bali Bey responds saying that she should be certain that whatever she lived through and her feelings are very important and precious to him...he did not intend to hurt her at all..Then Hurrem arrives. Hurrem says to Mihrimah: "You go with Beyazid and I will follow behind."

Bali Bey's face changes and he says: "Sultanim, forgive me, but our Hunkar has only asked for you to come." Hurrem is worried, Beyazid asks why the cannot also go...but Hurrem tells Mihrimah to take her siblings and return to the palace, then she tells Afife that the harem and her children are in her safe keeping...Afife replies that she should not have any worries, that she will personally take care of them. Hurrem tells Sumbul that he wills stay and that first they must find out what has happened, then they will find a way...Bali Bey reminds Hurrem that they have to get going and Hurrem tells her daughter to stay by her siblings, and that she shall return with the Sultan....Hurrem tries to contain her fears and sadness and looks at her children through the window, but she is almost overcome by tears...Cihangir is about to cry, Beyazid looks worried and Mihrimah is troubled...

Hatice is in her palace when Nigar arrives. She tells Nigar it is good she has come, and that she herself wished to also speak to her. Nigar asks if she got the news and Hatice asks waht news? Nigar tells her about Hurrem leaving for Edirne after being called to the Sultan by his order, and alone, without her children. She adds that it is must be that Shah Sultan was successful...Hatice is not moved, she says that she doesn't believe anything will happen and that Hurrem will come back, getting her fresh air there...Nigar replies that Shah has thought of everything and that this time it is not that easy. Nigar then asks why Hatice wanted to see her and Hatice says: "Why did you lie to me woman? You know where Ibrahim's grave is...but you didn't say..are you trying to get your past revenge from me?" Nigar replies: "Never! How would I dare revenge! Sultanim." Hatice says: 'In that case, then tell me." Nigar says: "Sultanim, as I said before, I do not know...I wish I least I could pray there and water the ground..." Hatice stares at her then says: "Okay, I see that you would not want to lie about this matter...if you have nothing else to say then you can go. When Nigar leaves, Hatice asks an agha to follow her.

In Manisa at night, Musafa is in his room when Yahya enters. Mustafa asks if there is any news of the Sultan yet and Taslicali says that the army is on the return journey they are at Edirne at the moment and today or tomorrow will probably go back to the Pay -i-taht. Mustafa asks why Yahya looks unhappy and if something is wrong and Yahya replies that yet another Ottoman trade ship has been taken/commandeered, off the Izmir coast reports say that a Portugese Corsair Cristovao da Gama took it.  Mustafa seems worried about this. He asks: "What number incident is this?! Who is this Cristovao? From where and from who does he get his courage?" Yahya replies that he is the son of a famous Captain named Vasco Da Gama. And that he is probably taking advantage of Barbarossa not being around...Mustafa is angry and says that it cannot continue this way, and it is important for them to find a solution at once.

Rumeysa is in Mahidevran's room, looks at some clothes and puts it in front of her and looks at herself in the mirror in the mirror and recalls her dance for Mustafa and then Ayse enters and Rumeysa notices her. Ayse says: "What are you doing here?" Rumeysa replies that Mahidevran's clothes have come from the tailor and she was getting them ready to be put away..Ayse asks her if she was in the entertainment party of the other night for the Shehzade. Rumeysa says that Mahidevran had wanted her to be in it, so she was. Ayse asks her who she is fooling, and she got ready of her own accord and included herself in the dance. Rumeysa says she needs to go put away the clothes, but Ayse stops her. "Don't have too much faith in yourself, Rueysa. I know what you are trying to do. And know that I will not let you! You will know your place, do you understand me? Do not have any more hope in this (trying to win Mustafa) ! I am watching you!" Rumeysa replies: "You do not worry Ayse hatun. I know what I am doing very well!"

In his room, Mustafa speaks to Yahya. He tells him to get the Divan together as he wishes to discuss it there. Mahidevran enters. Yahya leaves and Mahidevran asks if everything is alright. Mustafa tells her that another of the Ottoman trade ships has been commandeered by some Corsairs, and that something must be done about this. Mahi says: "My son, my lion, this issue will be taken care of by Hizr Hayrettin Pasha...when the war is over, he will do what is necessary." Mustafa responds that he will send word of course, but in the meantime that there should be something done. Mahidevran says that it is enough that he informs Barbarossa ...and besides this, the shipyard issue is worrying her already. Mustafa tells her to worry about the harem, and do not interfere in the matters of the State. Mahidevran asks: "What will you do? are you going to fight the Corsairs?!" She asks him how this is possible, no Prince is supposed to do anything about this sort of thing, and that without informing, even getting on a boat is forbidden. Mustafa objects: "Validem..." Mahidevran says: "Are you waiting for your father to be poisoned against you, especially with that snake around? How do these things even enter your mind..whatever is in the rules and traditions, you must keep to those. Do you understand me? Do not under any circumstances depart from the rules and established customs!"

In Edirne, in the gardens, an agha anounces Hurrem. Rustem comes and says that he did not know she was coming and welcomes her. Hurrem tells Fahriye to wait and she leaves with Bali Bey.  Rustem asks Fahriye what is going on...

In the next scene, we see Shah Sultan and Gulfem watching through a window. Shah Sultan says: "Finally, Hurrem has come." Gulfem says that the ride over has probably given her a chance to think and that she will just deny everything and get you (Shah) in trouble! Shah responds saying: "What could she possibly accuse me of? all the evidence is against her...everything is on one side...she made a big mistake attacking us..." Gulfem asks if this is what she intended on happening? Shah says yes, and that she was certain Hurrem would attack her to get the document...Gulfem says: "So this is why you called me is that right? To be a witness to the incident?" Shah Sultan says: "You all wanted me to overthrow Hurrem...and that is what I am doing."

In Edirne, Hurrem walks through the hall and arrives at a door to meet Suleyman who is inside. Bali Bey motions for her to enter...Hurrem nervously enters. Sulyeman is waiting with his back turned.

Hurrem: "Suleyman." Suleyman turns around... my life, my Sultan, finally you more time I was able to see you!" Hurrem tries to walk close, but he puts his hand out telling her to stay where she is. She lowers her head and obeys, looking hurt.

She says, "Sulyeman..." He says:"First we have to take care of an issue..." Hurrem is ready to hear what he has to say...He continues: "Shah i Huban came...she told me some things about you..." Hurrem says as if she does not know: "What  did our Sultana say, I am curious?" Suleyman says: "She said you took a loan from a Venetian woman, a member of the Gritti family..." He goes to get the document. "There is as proof - your seal on the document.." Hurrem says, trying to be normal: "Ahhh, that issue..." Suleyman continues: "More order to get this document, bandits stopped them and harassed them and you ordered it! Is this true?" Hurrem looks stressed, and Suleyman is angry. Hurrem remains quiet for too long, so Suleyman shouts: "Speak Hurrem!! What does this mean all of this?! Explain at once!"

Meanwhile, in the garden, Fahriye is talking to Rustem and telling him the situation is pretty bad and that Hurrem has fallen into a lowly trap. Rustem says that if the document she has just told him about is in the Sultan's hands than helping Hurrem out of this issue will be very difficult. Fahriye replies that the actual matter is that their carriage was stopped by bandits...Shah Sultan actually laid the real trap there and we did not know...Rustem says that if they had sent word right away to him, he could have done something about it  bu now they better look to see what can be done as of this point onwards...

Back in the room where Hurrem and Suleyman are. Hurrem is saying: "What do you wish me to say Suleyman? Why should I explain myself? You have already from long before made your have seen me as worthy of such dirty accusations!" Suleyman says: "I actually called you to say if you had any proof otherwise Hurrem" Hurrem says: "Because of the war, there was a shortage of coin..the agas the cariyes ...we could not give their allowances. I called Rakel Hatun, but somehow the money was stolen before it was able to reach the harem" Suleyman says: "Who stole it? Shah Sultan?" Hurrem says: "Who else could it be?" Suleyman does a strange smile here. Hurrem continues: "While you were away, they attacked me Suleyman...They got together with Hatice Sultan and played games with me..Just for their to be disruption/unrest in the harem, the stole that money." Suleyman says: "She wished to help you. But you were proud and said not, later she gave out of her own pocket the allowance. But even then you did not allow it!" Hurrem pleads with him: "Just for the sake of my position in the harem...just so to lower my power and credibility in the harem she did that...I who am Sultan Suleyman's wife...How could I accept it?" Suleyman says: "You are taking a loan from the family from the doge that we are currently waging war against? but you refuse to take a loan from my own sister, is that it???!" Hurrem looks frustrated and says: "Suleyman, believe me I did not know who it was...Rakel Hatun referred her to me. This is why I trusted her. I accept my mistake, I should have taken precautions but I didn't have time, Suleyman....I didn't want a revolt in the harem so I wanted to first give the allowances. After finding the money to pay, then to close the loan...." Suleyman says: "And where did you find that money (to close the loan)." Hurrem is Suleyman moves closer and says: "The farms and lands I gave to you, you sold right?" He moves back and Hurrem says: "At war time I did not want to busy you with my problems...this is why I wanted to find a solution myself...Suleyman they trapped me..The one who worked together with that Venetian woman, was Shah Sultan..The woman was supposed to give me the document but gave it to her..." Suleyman says: "So is this why, you ordered them to be harrassed on the way? To get the document back, so that they could not prove your doings? Is that right?"

Hurrem looks at him, as if silently saying, how could you ask this?! Suleyman looks at her with a weird angry smile...she says: "No. It is a lie. It had absolutely nothing to do with me!" Suleyman says: "Who else could it be, Hurrem?! They left the jewels and other stuff, only worrying about the document!" Hurrem says: "How do you know this is how it happened, Suleyman? You only know what Shah Sultan told could be that there were no bandits at all?"  She looks straight at him and walks to him. They look at each other, both of them having missed each other after such a long time.

She says: "Suleyman, the life of my life..the reason for my not believe them...Just to separate us they are playing these games...." They look at each other and she hugs him and he hugs her back.

He cannot resist. 

Then he looks at her, afterwards he lowers his eyes for a moment. She thinks he has believed her. He calls the aghas. He tells the agha to prepare as they will be returning to the Pay-i-taht. After the agha leaves, Hurrem says: "You believed me right? all of it is a lie..."

Suleyman looks at her and says: "At one time, Hatice had hurt herself so badly...and accused you...And now Shah Sultan did the same thing..." He sighs. Hurrem nods slightly. Suleyman says: "It is apparent that in not believing Hatice, I had made a mistake..." He walks away... Hurrem is shocked..."Suleyman?" Suleyman says before he leaves the room: "You will stay here, Hurrem"...

In the hallway, Mehmet and Selim are walking as the Sultan approaches, Mehmet says: "Hunkarim, my mother has come..." But the Sultan ignores him...They are shocked...

In the room where Hurrem is now, alone, she is crying and shaken...

When she hears the door, she turns and tries to compose herself. Selim and Mehmet enter. She turns and hugs them...Mehmet asks what is wrong with her, what has happened, why does she look troubled? She replies that she is fine, and she is even better now that she saw them...she says she missed them dearly...She says, Thank God, you both returned safe and sound...

Meanwhile, Suleyman enters the room where Gulfem and Shah are. Suleyman tells them to get ready as they will be leaving...Shah says that they heard Hurrem has arrived. Suleyman tells them as he is leaving that Hurrem will be staying behind...Shah and Gulfem are soo happy. Gulfem says: "Sultanim, did you hear?" Shah says: "Congratulations to us Gulfem...God Willing this decision of our Hunkar will be for the best..." Gulfem: "Ameen."....

In the room Hurrem is in, Mehmet asks his mother why she is not coming with them, she replies that she is a bit unwell. Selim asks if she is ill, and what happened. Fahriye enters. Hurrem says it is nothing important...just some fresh air is needed for her... that they (the two princes) should return with the Sultan, staying beside him as his Princes, and that not too long later, she will also join them also. Fahriye speaks up and says that the Sultan is awaiting the princes and Hurrem says they should not keep him waiting. Hurrem tells Mehmet that she is trusting his siblings to his care, and that he should not let anyone make them sad or hurt them...Mehmet looks worried...

Later, Rustem and Bali Bey are waiting by the carriages.

Rustem says to Bali Bey that if such a situation came to be, he should have informed him earlier, that he (Rustem) would have hunted the bandits down and found out who gave their order...Bali Bey says that the Sultan saw it fit to go about it this way. And Bali says that he does not need to give any explanations or information to him (Rustem). Rustem gets annoyed and says : "No your limits, in front of you stands a Pasha..." Bali Bey answers: "I know exactly who you are, and what you have done...don't worry!" They look at each other and bow simultaneously as the Sultan arrives...


Suleyman arrives at the carriages and asks Bali Bey if the preparations to leave are complete. Bali replies that they are, and that whenever he wishes they may leave. Suleyman says this is good and tells Lutfi that he should go with Gulfem and Shah Sultan and tells Rustem that he should follow behind with the Shehzades. Rustem says: "Forgive me, Hunkarim, we thought you were returning with our Hurrem Sultan together and we prepared under that impression." Suleyman says: "Didn't you hear me Pasha? Do what I say?" Rustem replies: "As you wish, Hunkarim." Suleyman leaves. Lutfi and Rustem are left. Lutfi asks Rustem if he isn't going to wish him "gecmis olsun" (literally meaning "may it pass" when something bad happens to someone, or they are ill, or hurt etc.) because of what happened to Shah. Rustem says "gecmis olsun" and that he just found out, and how good that God saved Shah Sultan. Lutfi says that yes, Allah protects his beloved servants, and as for the hypocrites whom He does not love, He throws them in the fire. He says whoever did this to our Sultanas will find the place worthy of them...Rustem says "Amin".

Meanwhile, in the Palace in Edirne, Hurrem is pacing the room. Fahriye is with her. Hurrem tells Fahriye to inform Rustem at once about the situation and to find that Venetian woman at once. Fahriye tells Hurrem that she did tell Rustem about what happened, and that wherever the woman is, they will find her. Hurrem says that that if she can be proof of their working together (Shah and the Venetian woman)...the Sultan will find out that she is not as innocent as he thought. Then, Shah Sultan arrives and tells Fahriye to leave. Hurrem tells Shah that if she is here to bid her farewell, she should not have troubled herself, as she will be going back soon (Hurrem says she will go back soon). Shah says: "Finally the time has come for you to pay for all that you have done. Believe me, this is nothing yet, the suffering/pain has not even started yet..." Hurrem says: "I did not come from rose gardens like you, Sultanim, what I have lived through, what I have seen, the pain I have could not survive it..." Shah says: "It is obvious to everyone where you came from Hurrem...a Russian slave from Rutenya. What is your real name? Alexandra la Rossa..." Hurrem replies: "My name is Hurrem...Sultanim...Hurrem...Sultan Suleyman's wedded wife, the mother of his five is not that easy to be in my place!" Shah smiles and says: "and you know better than me, Hurrem...that time will work against you...Here...far from our Hunkar, what could you possibly do? Don't forget that away from his eyes, you will be away from his heart!" Hurrem says: "My Palace, my throne are our Hunkar's heart. No one, including the Sultan can remove me from it...." Shah says: "The dream is over, Hurrem...wake up already, for you have been thrown out from our Hunkar's paradise...Now you are in hell!" Shah walks out and Hurrem bows... looking in despair...

Later the Sultan, Bali Bey, the Shehzades approach their horses, and they mount, and then the horses and everyone departs...Hurrem watches from the balcony but the Sultan does not look behind...

The next day, Hatice, Shah, Gulfem and Nigar are together in Hatice's palace. Gulfem and Nigar are with them. Hatice's face is finally smiling. "I would have never imagined this could happen.." she says. Shah says tells Hatice that she should have seen the look on Hurrem's face...that she had fear in her eyes and that this was the first time she saw her this way. Gulfem comments that may it be worse for her, and that ever since Hurrem came to the Palace, there was no shortage of calamities...she prays that Hurrem never returns. Hatice asks how the Sultan gave the order and Shah replies that she thought of everything in order to cast her into suspicion and the reason for her success was that she did not make any mistakes. Nigar mentions how Rustem is really troubled since he has come...Hatice comments that he is probably worried since he might also get intro trouble...Nigar says that Rustem will go wherever the wind blows (wherever there is benefit for him)..but first he will try to save Hurrem...Shah says that no one can save Hurrem now...and then she adds that however, they must not let the snake raise its head again. She says that they must not let her send word to the Sultan - as she will lie and trick her way into his heart...

In the next scene, Suleyman is with Mihrimah in his room. Suleyman tells Mihrimah that there is a victory festival (about the victorious return of the army) and if she wishes to go watch with him. She says that she would not enjoy it without her mother...Suleyman looks amused but at the same time thoughtful. Mihrimah says: How can this be? She went there to see you, but then you came without siblings said she was just a little unwell, but I know my mother better...what is this punishment for?" Suleyman tells her that this is between him and her mother...but Mihrimah pushes on. "Then let me go visit her" she continues to appeal to him by saying that he might be comfortable with Hurrem staying alone there, but she will not be...Suleyman gets a bit agitated and says that no one is going anywhere, and asks her to return to her room. She tries one last time: "If not that - then at least can I know the reason -" Suleyman says harshly: "To your room!" And mihrimah leaves...

Outside in the corridor, Mihrimah meets Bali Bey, she says she is glad to see him and asks him if he knows what happened to her mother, but he says that she is fine..she asks why he did not come but he simply says that the Sultan decided. She is dissatisfied with this response, and asks why, and he says he does not know. Then Bali Bey adds that she should not worry as her mother will certainly return God Willing. She leaves and he watches her concerned...

Meanwhile, Shah is with Nigar alone. She tells Nigar to keep an eye on Rustem, that he must have had some instructions from Hurrem. Nigar says that he is trying to look for Signora Portia, but it is not possible...Shah says that Mercan is not letting a bird fly into the Has Oda (Sultan's chamber) without knowing and we won't let Hurrem do anything without us (Shah) knowing...Nigar says that she has to say one more thing, because of which she could not sleep all night...Shah asks what it is and Nigar says that the woman Hatice keeps calling has helped her so that she has dreams about the grave of Ibrahim Pasha...she saw me in her dream and is questioning me to tell her the location...Shah Sultan says that hopefully Nigar did not tell and Nigar tells her no, she did not but she is being followed and Shah warns her about going there and then Nigar says that her conscience is bothering her...shoudl they let Hatice suffer this way? Perhaps telling her would be good....Shah Sultan says sharply: "Where was your conscience when you were on his neck?" Nigar is quiet...then Shah says they can never let her find out..she is about to get married and if she finds out she will never the Sultan would find out too...

Later in the corridor near the Sultan's room, Sumbul and Rustem are talking. Rustem tells Sumbul that not just the Venetian woman, now Rakel hatun is missing. Sumbul says he swears he just found out and he doesn't know how since there was a guard guarding her...Rustem says that Shah Sultan obviously thouht of everthing. Sumbul asks what will happen and then Rustem says to keep calm and that they will find another way to prove to the Sultan that Shah is not innocent. Suddenly, Mercan arrives (BTW, in case anyone was wondering, Mercan's name literally means CORAL :) ) Sumbul is troubled by Mercan and excuses himself..Mercan tells Rustem that Shah Sultan wishes to see him...

Meanwhile, In Edirne, Hurrem is very sad and lonely...Fahriye enters. Hurrem asks what happened and Fahriye says that she came to ask about the meal..Hurrem says that her life and soul are gone and she asks about food..Fahriye tells her that one day she will return and for that day she will need strength..Hurrem asks what if I don't return? What if I never get the chance to see our Hunkar or my children again? She is worried...Fahriye tells her to remove that possibility from her mind. Hurrem says that she saw his eyes, they were not the eyes that would look at her with love...he is the only thing that keeps me going, if I lose him, what value does returning have? Fahriye tells her that: "The fire that burns for that many years does not go out in one certain of this." Hurrem turns and a tear falls down her cheek.

Back in the divan, Suleyman is addressing his Pashas: "Where is Mustafa Pasha?" Ebu Suud Efendi informs him that Mustafa Pasha has become sick with Gout, and he is unable to get up from his bed. The doctors are doing what they can, but they aren't able to do much. Suleyman: "Ayaz Pasha, send my personal doctor, Moshe; let him take a look at Mustafa Pasha."

Later, Rustem arrives to meet Shah in Hatice's palace. Rustem asks why she wanted to see him and she says that from what she has heard he is  quite grieved..that the person he was so loyal and faithful, Hurrem's fate is known..Rustem says that he is faithful to all the Sultanas. Shah Sultan says that he does not need cheating words...she knows how he is working hard to recover her from her fall. Rustem tries to speak but Shah silences him. She says that as a Sultana, she is ready to forget all that has happened in the past..Rustem says that she is gracing him...Shah says that it is too late to do anything for Hurrem, that he cannot do anything for her, so it is time to choose whose path he will walk on...that this will be a life decision...

Back at the divan, Barbarossa says that the Christian lands have become confused, as Charles V and the Pope are holding the French king Francis responsible for the loss of the war, as he did not support the Crusader fleet. Suleyman: "We warned him (Francis) so many times... when the trade treaty expires, we certainly will not renew them!" Ayaz: "Hunkarim, the Venetian ambassador has been waiting at our door for quite some time. It is obvious that they are looking for some type of peace agreement." Lutfi says that they will keep waiting, as the Venetians have already lost their friendship once. Suleyman: "That's right. No meetings should be held with them... Any news from Hadim Suleyman Pasha?" Barbarossa: "He should have reached Egypt by now. We received good news from him." Ebu Suud then informs the Hunkar that progress has been made for Hurrem Sultan's construction project, and the foundation is ready to be set. Suleyman says that the project should start at a "later" time. Suleyman: "Since you're all here, I want everyone to know that I have decided to wed my Kubbe Vizier, Husrev Pasha to my valuable sister Hatice Sultan, their wedding will be on Thursday, may God bless their marriage!" Husrev Pasha then kisses the Sultan's robe.

Meanwhile in the harem, some cariyes are talking and saying that Hurrem Sultan has been exiled, and will not return, and that from now on Afife hatun will run the harem. Afife hatun enters the harem and one of them asks when Hurrem Sultan will return. Afife: "None of your business!... Hatice Sultan's wedding is on Thursday, make the necessary preparations immediately!"

Sumbul and Sheker agha's are seen talking in the kitchen about how sudden the wedding is. Sumbul: "By Allah, that's what I said to our Hunkar too! I said may Allah forbid that Sheker agha doesn't get mad at us!... Meloun! (Traitor!) Why are you getting so sad? Just do your job!" When suddenly Mercan arrives and says: "Yes, you are right. If everybody does their job, this palace will be a heaven... but if you don't, and continue to be traitors, then we know how to make it a hell as well!" Sumbul: "Mercan efendi!!! Huuuu, Mercan efendi!!! Don't forget that I am the agha of this harem! Go back to your side of the palace!" Mercan: "If I were you, I would get along better with me... you are here today, but gone tomorrow... (he then famously bites into his apple violently here lol and leaves the kitchen)." Sumbul screams after he leaves:" Who are you to threaten me??? Let me see you do it! Go ahead! TRY IT!!!" Mercan enters the kitchen again and tells Sheker agha to prepare food for the Hunkar, and also informs them about Mustafa Pasha's illness. Sumbul rambles random Arabic insults at Mercan as he leaves.

In the next scene, Ayaz Pasha is seen visiting Mustafa Pasha, and he tells him not to bother getting up, and to continue to rest. The doctor says he has Gout. Ayaz Pasha tells Moshe Efendi to return Mustafa Pasha back to health. Moshe: "I will try my best..." He then looks at Mustafa's symptoms and tells the other doctor to prepare a syrup and also have Mustafa take some stinging nettle (a type of plant).

We then see Hurrem's children in a room talking about their mother. Mihrimah says she wasn't able to learn anything, but she knows for certain that her mother is not really sick, and was clearly setup by Hatice and Shah Sultan's into a trap and exiled. Beyazid: "I will go to be with her if necessary." Selim: "You got used to fleeing from the palace!" Beyazid: "Shut up!" Mihrimah: "Stop it, both of you. Only I can go..." Cihangir: "What are you guys talking about? Why isn't my mother here?" Mihrimah: "She will come soon my lion, she will come soon..."

Meanwhile in Hatice's palace, Shah Sultan says she knows that she doesn't want to get married, but she has no choice. She tells Hatice she knows what's going through her mind, but she can't do it, especially while Hurrem is alive. Shah reminds Hatice that she had once said that she (Hatice) vowed to not die until she saw Hurrem suffering. Hatice: "This is worse than everything, including death... I will never betray Ibrahim's memory." Shah: "Use your brain. Husrev is the Kubbe Vizier, he is powerful." Hatice: "I will never be somebody else's woman." Shah: "You won't be, nobody can touch you without your permission. Your marriage will be only on paper. You won't even live with him, you will stay with us." Hatice: "What will Hunkarim say?" Shah: "How will he know? And when it comes to Husrev, does it fall upon our subjects to object to us? He is getting married to a Sultana! You leave him to me... just keep a good relationship with Hunkarim. I swear to you that your marriage will not be a true one..."

Rustem is seen entering his home...Olivia (the girl he had saved from he pub) greets him: "Pasha Hazretleri," Rustem asks her how she is fitting in here and if she has any problems or complaints but she says that no, she is very happy and prays for God to bless him..Nigar enters. She greets him. Rustem asks Olivia to bring him drink. Nigar tells him he has had enough...she brings up his "dreams" and he asks what she is talking about and she replies "Mihrimah Sultan"...he asks what she is up to and asks sarcastically, if it has fallen on her to revenge the Pasha's fall? Then she says that she is only trying to stay alive like her...then she says Hurrem's end has come...and he should change his path not to be on the losing side..he gets angry to slap her, but Olivia enters with his drink so he pretends to pat her face instead...he takes the drink and drinks...then he tells Nigar that his way is certain...the way he is walking he had no one by his side and he has been walking alone since that day (from his childhood)...

Meanwhile, Suleyman is at his desk making jewellry when Cihangir enters...he runs to him "Baba!" He hugs him and the cariye asks forgiveness saying he could not stop him and Suleyman motions her to leave. Cihangir asks why his mother isn't coming, why he stayed there and Suleyman's face falls sad...He asks: "Did you miss her a lot?" Cihangir nods and Suleyman hugs and kisses him.....

In the next scene, Hurrem is writing a letter to Suleyman:

"My eminent Padisah! The Sultan of the seven regions!

My morning, my evening... the blood that courses through my veins, my heaven that I live for! My Spring, my happiness, Hunkarim....

I swear that not only this palace, but the enter world has become a grave for me... I have no eyes to see, I have no ears to hear, I have no tongue to speak... 

Instead of droving from empty room to empty room, I wish I could be at your feet, tied down with a chain. To be able to see your radiant face, and your ocean-blue eyes one more time, this helpless servant of yours, Hurrem, will sacrifice her life... Even if I had 1000 lives, I would sacrifice all of them!

To be away from your breath, and your strength, is such a big punishment for your servant, who loves you so much...

But when you are the one who gives the decree, and draws the sword, please know that my neck is thinner than a single strand of hair, Hunkarim...

I beg for your intercession... Please do not remove me from your mighty heart for one mistake... I beg of you..."

Meanwhile in Shah Sultan's room, she tells Lutfi Pasha that she struggled to convince Hatice to marry, and that he needs to speak to Husrev Pasha, as she will continue to live here with them after the wedding. Lutfi: "Impossible, Sultanim! How can I say this??" Shah: "I couldn't convince her any other way. We will find a solution after they get married... He will have to be patient until then." Lutfi: "It is clear that her marriage will be just like ours!" Shah: "Do you have a complaint?" Lutfi: "If I were to complain to the birds in the skies, or to the ants on the ground, they would feel pity for me and give me my rights... I swear my Allah... This has been our state for years, and you especially withdrew from me more since we arrived at the Pay-i-taht... One does not need to be wise to know this, Sultanim... Our situation is clear. Have a good night..."

The next day, Rustem Pasha arrives at the Sultan's chambers, informing him of an important matter. Rustem: "We received word from the Tekke Sanjak, as we were at war, the Alanya shipyard was revived, they say it will be ready within a few days..." Suleyman: "Who can do this without my permission? Whoever this negligent person is, tell me and I will punish them immediately..." Rustem: "Shehzade Mustafa... He must have a good reason for this, but we do not know exactly why he has done this..."

In the next scene, Yahya informs Mustafa that Shaykh Hasan Efendi has arrived and wishes to speak to him, and he was very adamant about it. Mustafa receives the Shaykh, an old man, who is very worried because the Corsair has taken a ship and that his son Huseyin was on it. He says that they wanted 3,000 gold for him. It is impossible for me to collect that kind of money.  He pleads to Mustafa asking for God's sake, if the Shehzade could help him... 

Mahidevran is in her room, she is very tense and tired and something is bothering her. Rumeysa who is standing nearby, notices and goes over to help her by massaging her shoulders. Then she tells her that she has prepared a ginger and rose oil ointment for her, tells her to take it at bed time and she will not have pain. Mahidevran is pleased. Then Ayse and Fidan enter and Ayse looks annoyed at Rumeysa, while Rumeysa smiles. Fidan tells her that a message has arrived from the Palace. Mahidevran opens her eyes and motions for Rumeysa to stop massaging, which she does and then stands with her head high in the corner while Ayse continues to give her annoyed looks. Mahidevran reads over the letter and says out loud: "Shah Sultan has written...from what she says, Hurrem has
been exiled by the Sultan to Edirne!" Mahidevran is soo happy, she tells Fidan to notify the kitchens, so they can prepare sweets for distribution....She thanks God for having answered her prayers...then she smiles like she has not smiled in a long time...

Meanwhile, Mustafa is feeling sorry for the Shaykh. He tells him: "Do not worry Hasan Effendi,  your son will be returned to you unharmed" Hasan prays for Mustafa and the man leaves. Yahya returns. Mustafa tells Yahya that they will be sending two ships from the Alonya Shipyards, and that he will be taking care of this personally. Yahya asks Mustafa if he is sure he is doing the right thing, and Mustafa says that it is high time they clean up the Mediterranean from the dirty presence of those corsairs...

Suleyman has called Barbarossa to his room, and is quite disturbed. He asks Barbarossa if he knows that the Alanya Shipyard has been revived. Barbarossa says he just found out just now. Suleyman says: You that are the Ottoman Navy's only head...without informing you, who would get up and do this revival? Barbaros says well they just returned from war, so who knows why it has happened, but whichever Bey it is, he will immediately find out..Suleyman is angry and says, the essential part is has been ordered by Mustafa! He says that he has specifically warned him, do not do anything without permission, just get my permission...and yet he goes and does this...what does this mean? what is the purpose? Is the prince building his own navy?!" Barbarossa says that he does not think Mustafa had bad intentions...he says that if the Sultan permits, he will go and find out himself right away what has happened and why...the Sultan is silent and angry....

Nigar visits Shah in Hatice's palace. She tells Shah that she spoke to Rustem and that he threatened her...and that he will probably find a way to divorce her soon...becuase....he holds dreams about Mihrimah Sultan...then she says that he holds powerful feelings towards her and Shah says how dare he...but Nigar says that don't worry, they are just feelings...unless Hurrem Sultan wanted to marry her to him, then no one can stop him...then Mercan enters and tells Shah that the preparations for the wedding are complete and that tomorrow the Nikkah will take place as planned, and also that tonight's party has been arranged at the Palace...Shah is pleased...she then tells Nigar they will talk about this issue again later...

Later at night, the party has begun. Mihrimah enters and Shah Sultan greets her syaing: "My beautiful niece how are you?" Mihrimah replies: "What can I say? My Validem is living separate from her children in exile..thanks to you. Shah Sultan replies that she would not talk like that if she knew what happened...Mihrimah says: "You yourself have no confidence, obviously you played a game...hopefully it was worth it for you to see tears in Cihangir's eye..." Shah replies that she did not want it to happen this way. Mihrimah says that she should relax and enjoy and laugh all she wants, because when her mother returns, there will be no smile on her face!" Mihrimah turns around and walks away...Shah is left disturbed...Sumbul meets Nigar...they greet each other....

Meanwhile, in her room Hatice is getting ready for her wedding part. She is unhappy...but she recalls her wedding to Ibrahim and some of their loving moments...and then Gulfem arrives, telling her that they are waiting her...Hatice says what fate is it? that her life has changed into a nightmare...Gulfem says that a long time ago, she was engaged to someone she did not want...she went through a lot of pain and hurt during that time..but that after, her fate became to marry Ibrahim Pasha....and that she had the love that not everyone gets to have...on top of that while having no hope...and that this nightmare will also be over soon...she says believe me, the spring will come...and your face will once again smile...Gulfem takes her hand and Hatice says "let us go now..."

In the Sultan's chamber, the Sultan and various guests are sitting for the celebratory meal. Suleyman looks at Husrev and recalls giving Ibrahim his ring long ago...he calls Husrev over and presents him with a gift..a jeweled crest. Husrev thanks him and Suleyman tells him that Hatice is precious to him and that he wants him (Husrev) to take care of her and Husrev says that he will always keep her happy and in order to do this, he is willing to sacrifice his life....

Then, we see Ebusuud sitting with his son. Ebu Suud asks his son how his days are going in Bursa and Ahmet says that he should not worry about him, he will be a son that he deserves to have....Ebu says he hopes so because he has no hope left in him...

Meanwhile in the woman's side, the entertainment continues and Hatice enters..Everyone bows and greets her as she walks over to her seat and takes it. Her happy moments come to her mind...then her children run to her and tell her she looks beautiful...and Hatice almost cries right there...

Back in the Sultan's room, the meal continues...each table has their own conversations...Suleyman looks at Ayaz' table and asks how Mustafa Pasha is, and if here is an improvement...Ayaz replies that unfortunately no...and that even the Doctor Moshe was suprised...Barbarossa adds that he just visited him this morning, but that he could not even open his eyes poor man, his disease has increased so much...Lutfi says that Mustafa Pasha did such a great service so the state and prays for God to save him. Suleyman says he wishes Moshe to explain the condition to him (Sultan) as he wishes to know...Then Ebu Suud also prays for him and for all of them...then Suleyman says congratulations your son is back from Bursa and Ebu suud responds yes, that he is working under AbdurRahman Effendi, in learning Kalam (philosophy)...and Suleman says that is great and there is a need here in the Palace for such teachers (like Ebu Suud's son)..and Ahmet says that if he could be a worthy servant of the Sultans it would be such a great honour...

Meanwhile the woman are eating and Zeynep (EbuSuud's wife) is with Shah Sultan and they exchange pleasantries and then Zeynep asks where Hurrem Sultan is, why she has not come, and hopefully she is well and Shah smiles to herself, and Mihrimah who is sitting at another table but close by says that her mother is in Edirne and that she is just resting and will return soon. She gets up when suddenly, Esmahan approaches her and says "Oh I feel sorry for your mother..hopefully as you say, she will return." Mihrimah says: "You should have no doubt!" Esmahan then says: "And soon there will be another wedding..mine with Bali Bey...and you being my closest friend, I would love for you to be present." Mihrimah: "Go away Esmahan...don't look for trouble!" and she leaves... Esmahan smiles...

In the corridor a man arrives with a letter from Hurrem Sultan for the Sultan and Mercan says he will give it and takes the letter from the man...

Meanwhile in Edire, Hurrem sits lonely and sad...Fahriye enters and tells her that Rustem sent word that Rakel could not be found as she ran away...and the Venetian woman is also missing still...Hurrem says that if she had brought good news she would have been shocked...Fahriye informs Hurrem about Hatice's wedding...Hurrem says that Shah is using Hurrem being away to her advantage...this wedding is a part of the game...and she will also work on gaining power through Esmahan as well...soon she will make Lutfi Pasha the grand Vizier and then eventually put Shehzade Mustafa on the throne...Fahriye says what do you have in mind, Sultanim? and Hurrem replies: "The time has come to inform Lutfi Pasha of certain issues...."

Husrev has taken a break on the balcony, deep in thought. Lutfi approaches and asks why he is so worried and is it because of Hatice Sultan? He says that he had said himself to her that if she was not happy to get married to him, then he would never do it. But why the games? He could not find an answer to why...Lutfi consoles him and says: "This is a good wedding, do not let such things enter your is not easy for our Sultana (Hatice) and after a while, hopefully you will have a happy, loving family..." Husrev replies: "What if it gets to the Sultan's can we answer to him?" Lutfi says: "Be rest have no fault in is her who has made such a decision not you..."

Meanwhile, in the women's party, Hatice asks Shah when this "punishment" will be over (when the party will be over). Shah tells her not to worry soon...then Mercan arrives and motions to Shah that he has to tell her she steps outside...

In the corridor, Mercan shows Shah Hurrem's letter he has intercepted and Shah rips it up, but she does not notice Afife is behind her..who stares curiously at the crumpled ripped up paper in her hand and asks if bad news has come, but Shah just says simply, that it is nothing and that Afife should prepare the bridal procession and that once the people will disperse, that Hatice is not to go to the YeniBahce Saray but actually back to her own palace...Afife says how can this be? And what about Husrev Pasha? And Shah Sultan says that only when she agrees to live with him as his wife, she shall, and until then she will stay with her...and that not to worry about Husrev Pasha as he already knows...

Late at night, Rustem arrives in the pub where a woman greets him and chides him for being gone soo long...there are people who are looking at Rustem from behind but it seems Rustem is unaware of them...

Meanwhile Hatice is back in her own room, alone in her own palace and she is removing her jewelry and her overcoat..she is sad but relieved..she is speaking to Ibrahim in her heart telling him her heart only belongs to him, and her body will only belong to him...then we hear Ibrahim's violin playing...she swears to Ibrahim silently, that no one will touch her hand even...then she recalls her moments with him....but then she looks in the mirror and she sees Husrev! She says what are you doing here? and he says "forgive me, it was not my intention to scare you..." she says: "I thought you knew the situation" and he says: "I know the situation...please do not be worried..I simply came to give you something...unworthy of you...but...if you accept, it will make me very happy" He stretches out his hand in which he holds an intricate box...she gives him an angry he retracts his hand and walks back and puts it on the bed...he then tells her we will be going to the Palace the Sultan has made ready for them...the YeniBahce...and if she needs anything or wants anything, she can find him there...He walks away...She says: "Husrev Pasha!" as he is leaving...he turns awaiting something...but instead she says: 'Good night" so he responds likewise and walks out...leaving Hatice who goes to the bed and sits and almost touches the box...but then doesn't and turns away from it...

Meanwhile, in the pub, Rustem gets up to leave with the woman he is with when suddenly the men who were watching him, stand in his way...he looks back and sees that his two guards are also sorrounded...he tells the woman to leave and then starts attacking the men...he manages to subdue all of them and holds a dagger to one of their throats and the man says he had an order to bring him...from Shah Sultan...he throws the man away and then tells his guards "lets go..."

Then he arrives at Shah Sultan's palace...Shah says she was waiting for him and hopefully they weren't rough with him...and Rustem says no he surprised at their kindness and then Shah says she had made a proposition to him..and hopefully he has thought long and hard about it...and Rustem says that he does know what she proposes if it is about Hurrem then he will have to do what she wants of him...Shah says that she knows him very well...becuase he has very courageous and big dreams and she likes people like that...but that idiots are also brave and courageous witht heir dreams but their dreams are empty...and Rustem replies that well then if he is an idiot, why is he here? and Shah says that from what she has heard, she dreams of marrying Mirhimah Sultan?...

Meanwhile, Hurrem in Edirne tells Fahriye to send word to Rustem Pasha. She does not want any mistakes...without Shah Sultan knowing, she wishes to speak to Lutfi Pasha...Fahriye expresses her concerns about Rustem that maybe he will switch sides now that things have gotten rough...and Hurrem answers that it is in such days and situations when things get tough that one can know who is loyal and who is not...this is a test for everyone...for everyone....

Meanwhile, Shah is telling Rustem: "I understand you Pasha, who would not want to marry Mihrimah Sultan? She is the World's Sultan's only pearl...the person would be the most closest to the Sultan...and the most powerful...

Rustem says: "I am not dreaming did not even cross my mind..."

Shah replies: " should not pass through your mind is not possible...everyone must know their limits! she is Mihrimah Sultan! Do not forget that you are the son of a swine shepherd!"  Rustem does not like her words...he looks furious inside and Mercan passes a half smile despite his usual composure.

Shah continues: "Do you think it is easy to be a damat (son in law/bridegroom) of the Sultan?? On top of that your ever so trusted Hurrem Sultan is not beside you..."

Rustem says: 'What do you want from me Sultanim?" Shah replies: "It is obvious Mustafa Pasha is very ill...the doctors say there is not much hope for him...I can enter you into the divan in his place..." Rustem says: "For this big gracious offer of yours, what do I have to do in return?" Shah replies: "You will be my loyal servant...but this will have to be proven...i want you to take a must know who I am talking about..." Rustem: "Hurrem Sultan!" Shah continues: "I told you I understand take Hurrem's life...I will give you the rich, powerful life that you want...

In Manisa in the day...Rumeysa is with Nergishah when, Ayse enters. "What are you doing here?!" she says angrily. Rumeysa says: "Ayse Hatun, I" Ayse cuts her off: "I do not want you around her!" Rumeysa says: "I didn't have bad intentions she was crying so I wanted to see if she was alright." Ayse: "Leave, I do not want to see you!" Rumeysa says: "As you wish..." then she leaves, but in the hall she sees Mustafa approaching so she goes back...

Then we see Ayse...she is telling her servant not to let Rumeysa in again. Then Rumeysa enters her room and says: "Are you this scared of me, that I will take your Shehzade away, that is why you are angry?" Ayse says: "What did you say?! and slaps her...Who are you to talk to me this way...! Listen to me carefully woman! You will stay away from Shehzade Mustafa...otherwise I will make you regret!" Mahidevran and Mustafa have heard this and they enter...Mustafa asks why she is crying and Ayse says that she was not looking after her properly, so I was warning her... Mustafa is quiet but walks to the child...Mahidevran approaches Ayse...and tells her to stay away from the girl (Rumeysa) or she will punish her severely. 

Later, Suleyman is in his room when Moshe arrives...he tells the Sultan that Mustafa Pasha is very ill...he cannot move...he is very ill Suleyman is very sad about this...then he says there is more news...two Croatians working on a ship from Crimea, at ports died this morning they both had the plague! Suleyman is distressed...Moshe says he has no doubt and that they must take immediate measures in response to this...also so it does not reach the Palace...Suleyman takes a step back, then tells him to inform Ayaz Pasha to take precautionary measures...

Shah is in her palace and is informed her husband Lutfi has gone away on state affairs and has taken permission from Ayaz Pasha... and Shah is surprised...she tells the agha who told her all this to tell Nigar to come...

Hurrem is outside in the garden in Edirne and then we see someone arrive. She says: 'I was awaiting you Pasha." We see that the Pasha is actually Lutfi... She invites him to sit...he says he was quite surprised when she called on him...He asks how she is and she replies that how can a Sultana be when they are in exile and especially if that person is her...Lutfi says you told me it was important I am curious and Hurrem says that she head about Husrev and Hatice and that it is a difficult situation for Hatice. She says such a marriage, no love, no loyalty, no respect...she adds: "Just like your and Shah Sultan's marriage..." Lutfi says, rather uncomfortably: "Sultanim..." Hurrem says: "I have much respect for are a very smart and hard working person for this empire and state and I am sure one day you will be of more service than Ayaz Pasha for this supreme state (of course if Shah Sultan lets you..." 

Lutfi says: "I do not know what you are talking about..." Hurrem stands up and replies: "Shah Sultan got rid of me...and succeeded in having me while I am not there...she is more powerful in the Hunkar's eyes...She is using you Pasha...for her dreams and ambitions she is using you...when her work with you is not doubt for a moment - she will certainly throw you aside..." Lutfi is angry: "Why are you saying these things this way, Sultanim??" Hurrem replies: "Lutfi Pasha, Shah Sultan never loved you...never...does not respect you an iota (or atoms size)...but you know this more than me...but there is something you do not know....a true secret....a secret between Hatice Sultan and Shah Sultan...there relationship with each other is not you know the reason why?" Lutfi shakes his head...Hurrem says: "I will tell you...Both of them fell prey to the same love...Ibrahim Pasha!" Lutfi looks angry then says under her breath: "Allah is Sufficient for me, and the best trustee of my affairs (problems)"...

Nigar arrives to see Shah and tells her that finally, Rustem had taken off for Edirne...Shah says: "It was obvious this would happen...I know the types like Rustem Pasha...whatever way works for his benefit he will take that route...Nigar says yes she is right...

At night, in Edirne, Rustem arrives and Fahriye greets him...she tells him Hurrem is waiting for her...Rustem looks nervous...he enters after Hurrem tells Fahriye to let him in...She says that hopefully he has come with good news...then she says have you come to take me back? He says unfortunately no....she will have to stay a little longer...She says what is wrong, I have never seen you this way before? He says that Shah Sultan wanted something from him...he says that Mustafa Pasha is ill...that today or tomorrow he might die..and that Shah Sultan wishes to put him in his place...Hurrem says ahh, so what did she want in return...He steps forward and says she wants him to take her life! She says what are you saying??? He says: 'I thought a lot...there are two what Shah says or...another way...he steps forward while she is afraid...he says that he has chosen the second path...then there is a flashback that he tells Ayaz Pasha that Hurrem has an order for him...that he must speak immediately to the Hunkar...Then the flashback shows Ayaz going to the Sultan that Rustem will be returning to Diyarbakir...then he says how precious he smart and courageous and intelligent, loyal etc. Suleyman asks if he is suggesting Rustem for Mustafa Pasha's position and Ayaz says well, of course we need such a Pasha in the Divan...but he says I have come for something else...he says you have married Husrev Pasha to our Hatice Sultan and although this is not my place to advise you, but I propose that you marry your daughter, Mihrimah Sultan to Rustem Pasha...The Sultan is surprised but not angry...

Rustem has told Hurrem that Ayaz Pasha has proposed such a thing (He does not tell her that he told Ayaz that she ordered it)...Hurrem thinks Ayaz is advising this...Rustem tells her that if she helps, they can achieve this...he can help her, her children, if he enters the Divan...they will be much more powerful...He steps back, bows and says that the decision is up to her approval of course...Hurrem is shocked....



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