
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Muhteşem Yüzyıl 96 Episode - ENGLISH TRANSLATION

Shah Sultan looks out the window and sees her husband has returned..she goes to sit down and Lutfi arrives, realizing his wife has been waiting for him. 

Lutfi says: "you have not yet slept, Sultanim?" Shah Sultan replies: "I tried to find you, but impossible! Where did you go?" Lutfi says: "I went to inspect the soldiers, they didn't tell you?" Shah Sultan: "I would prefer you to inform me...and I am curious what is this sudden inspection?" Lutfi recalls Hurrem's last words saying " Shah Sultan never loved you, but you know this better than me...but, there is something you do not know...a secret between Shah Sultan and Hatice Sultan...they have both fallen into the claws of the same love...Ibrahim Pasha!"....

Shah Sultan, surprised by his random pause, says: "What is going on?"
Lutfi replies that he wishes to rest as he is very tired. Lutfi wishes her a good night and leaves...Shah is quite nervous after seeing his strange behaviour...

Meanwhile, Bali Bey and Suleyman are together on the terrace. Suleyman tells Bali Bey that he has instructed Moshe Effendi to take measures from Ayaz Pasha. Bali Bey says that the plague has killed many and that Moshe Effendi should be careful.

 Just then, Mihrimah arrives. Mihrimah greets her father who stands up and greets her. Mihrimah says: "My Hunkar, I am troubling you, but I will not stay long, I cam to ask your permission." Suleyman asks her what the subject of her inquiry is and Mihrimah replies: "Along with Shehzade Cihangir, I would like to visit our mother...if you see it it as appropriate." Suleyman responds: "Mihrimah, I spoke to you on this matter...isn't that right?" Mihrimah says: "Hunkarim, we will only remain for a short time...I beg of you, allow me...I miss my Valide so much...Bali Bey adds: "Hunkarim, give your permission and order me, I will accompany our Sultana and our Shehzade personally, so they can go to Edirne safely and return safely." Suleyman notices that Mihrimah's eyes light up and he smiles and she says: "Please, Baba...we must go...Cihangir will not calm down any other way...once again he has stopped eating and drinking...After a moment, Suleyman says: "Malkocoglu, the liability is with you...not a hair on their heads should be harmed." Bali Bey reassures the Sultan: "Do not worry, Hunkarim." Mihrimah is so happy and kisses her father's hand and says: "Cihnagir will be very happy..I am going to go get ready." and she exits...

Meanwhile, at the Edirne Palace, Hurrem and Rustem are together. Hurrem is looking very worried and troubled by what has just occurred. Her back is turned... Rustem says: "Won't you say anything, Sultanim?" Hurrem replies: "What can I say, you already thought of everything!" Rustem says: 'Sultanim - " but Hurrem holds her hand up, cutting him off and growls: "What kind of insolence is this Pasha! How can you see yourself as a suitor for my daughter?! On top of that without asking me?!" Rustem replies: "I had no other choice, Sultanim...Shah Sultan wanted me to kill you...In order to save myself and you, this -" Hurrem looks at him so angrily that he is silenced. Hurrem says: "Don't you dare tell me that you had no choice! Since the beginning you must have had this particular thing in found an oppurtunity...shame on you!...are you also working behind my back?!" Rustem: "Never!...Up until this day I have never betrayed you...and from now on I never will..Right now you are in Edirne...your enemies are doing everything possible to make sure you do not return..And this is why I was threatened! All my efforts are to foil these games and get you back to the Pay-i-taht ." Hurrem replies: "Are you going to do this by marrying my daughter?!" Rustem: 'Everything happened in a moment, not consulting you, I have made a big mistake, I accept that, only I had no time for this...Anyway, in spite of you, without your consent, for this marriage to happen would be impossible...may the life of your slave, Rustem be sacrificed on your way, Sultanim. The decision is yours..." Hurrem still looks angry but she is calmer now and her mind is working in silence...

In the next scene, it is daytime and we see the bazaar, which is quite busy and then we see Seker agha walking and people randomly greet him here and there...up ahead Seker sees a man selling chickens and comments they are good, he asks how much the chickens are for, and the man has trouble responding that they are three akces...when he suddenly cannot breathe, wheezes and collapses. everyone gathers around...Seker wonders what is going on... But another man checks the man's hand, then looks at his neck, where he finds a pus filled wound....the man shouts for no one to approach as the man has the plague! People start moving away out of fear and horror. Seker agha's face changes "Plague? Oh Allah, save us!"....he rushes off, scared and worried...

In the Divan, Suleyman, Husrev, Ayaz, Lutfi and Ebusuud are present. Suleyman turns to Ebusuud. "Kazasker Effendi, that hot blooded man you spoke about from Edirne.." Ebusuud: "The son of Piri Ali Efendi, Sheyh Mashuki, Hunkarim." Suleyman: "Yes him...what is the situation of that heedless one...provide information at once." Ebusuud: "Hunkarim, unfortunately despite my warnings, he is continuing preaching in the capital and all around...unfortunately there are present many unwary permitting his twisted ideas..." Lutfi speaks and says: "We examined the matter, Hunkarim, his followers are increasing every day..the hypocrite!" Suleyman says: "At an appropriate time, bring him to me...let us see what his problem is." Then an agha comes and announces that Moshe Efendi has arrived and that he wishes to be allowed in the presence of the Sultan, and Suleyman allows it. Moshe enters and greets the SUltan. Suleyman says he hopes he has brought good news. Moshe says that unfortunately,, the news is bad...this morning your Kubbe Vizier, Mustafa Pasha passed away..." Suleyman prays for him and everyone says Ameen. Suleyman then tells Ayaz Pasha to personally take care of the funeral preparations and that it should be done properly. Moshe continues to tell the Sultan that what was feared has happened, it has come to the Palace and he suggests  that the Sultan and the Shehzades be removed from the Palace until the plague is gone..but the Sultan gets annoyed and says there is no need, and that they have seen worse...that no one can run away from what God has willed for them..whatever is in their destiny they shall live it...if it has come upon his servants, then he should not run away from it either...Ebusuud and Ayaz are quite proud of what the Sultan says. 

Mercan questions an agha if he found anything out about Lutfi and the agha tells him that he had gone to Edirne. Mercan mumbles that he must have gone to meet Hurrem Sultan. Meanwhile, Seker agha approaches looking very worried and distressed. Mercan asks him what is the matter since he has come earlier than expected and Seker responds that it is a calamity and that when he was in the market, a man fell in front of him suddenly they see the man has all these wounds and it turns ot it was the plague! Mercan tries to be cool, but steps back and he is quite distressed about this news. "Plague?! Hopefully you have not become infected!" Seker answers: "I did not even touch the man, I fled from that area right away! It can't infect me that quick, right? It can't right?!"  Then Mercan looks to the other agha only with his eyes, and orders him to take Seker to the hospital at once to be examined. Seker says: "Hey! I am alright! I swear nothing touched me....I ran away right away..." Mercan says: "Hurry Seker agha! Hurry!" Then as Seker is passing by Mercan covers his nose and mouth...Seker is traumatized and is praying to God..."Oh Allah, please save me, Oh Lord!" 

Somewhere on the road to Edirne, Malkocoglu dismounts and Mihrimah exits her carriage and Bali Bey is wondering if she is alright, but she replies she is overwhelmed and wanted some water and a break. Bali says of course, and asks how Cihangir is doing. Mihrimah replies that he is so happy that he wishes the journey to finish already. Bali says that they are halfway there...Mihrimah gets water, drinks, then looks at him. She says: "I am indebted to you...only for my sake we left on this way..." Bali says: "Never! What debt, Sultanim? My duty is to serve you..." Mihrimah says: "You do not have a duty such as this, Malkocoglu...being by our Hunkar, you did not have to support me. He would never allow me to go without you." Bali Bey says: "For a long time now you do not have a smile on your face...albeit unintentionally, I have a hand in this...if I could do something for you, how great!" A guard shouts that someone is approaching. Bali Bey tells Mihrimah to get into the carriage which she does and Bali Bey looks worried...

Meanwhile, Suleyman is in his room when Shah Sultan is announced and Suleyman lets her in. They greet each other and Suleyman tells her that he was wanted to see her. She says that if it is about the plague, she already has found out. The Sultan motions for her to sit, and Shah Sultan is curious to know why she has been summoned. He asks how Hatice is and if she has become familiar with her new palace and if she visits Shah. Shah Sultan looks distressed, but says that she is keeping an eye on her and that as time passes, she will be even better for certain. She adds: "Hunkarim, I see you are distressed, God Willing it is nothing bad?" Suleyman says that Mihrimah and Cihangir have gone to see their mother and that they left this morning. Shah says that while there is the plague circling, what was the need...Suleyman responds that they took precautions of course...that Cihangir was very unhappy and that he stopped eating and drinking...and that if he did not see Hurrem that he would be ever worse. He adds that they will not stay too long and will return, and that he sent Malkocoglu to go and come back with them for their safety. Shah says: "So in that case, what is the matter?" Suleyman replies: "Ayaz Pasha and I were chatting...he gave some recommendation concerning Mihrimah.." Shah Sultan is curious to know. Suleyman continues: "Earlier I was so amazed beyond my mind...I wonder what you you think the time has come for Mihrimah to marry?" Shah Sultan: "It is possible of course...because at her age I had a daughter...Hunkarim, forgive my curiosity, but whom did Ayaz Pasha recommend as Damat (groom)?" Suleyman responds: "Diyarbakir Beylerbey Rustem Pasha." Shah Sultan is shocked...

Meanwhile outside on the road to Edirne where Bali Bey has stopped for Mihrimah to get a drink, Bali Bey is curious to know about the approaching riders, the men behind Bali Bey have their hands on their sword hilts ready in case of something bad...The rider in the middle dismounts and walks forward, uncovering his face. Bali Bey recognizes the man: "Rustem Pasha..." Rustem says: "What is happening Bali Bey? Where are you journeying to like this?" Bali Bey responds: "Our Hunkar has wished me to take Mihrimah Sultan and our Shehzade Cihangir to Edirne." Rustem smiles and looks over to the carriages: "Where is our Sultana? in the carriage?" Bali Bey to one of the aghas: "Tell Mihrimah Sultan that Rustem has arrived." Mihrimah gets out of the carriage and Rustem approaches her. Rustem says: "Sultanim, Hurrem Sultan will be very pleased to see you." Mihrimah responds: "What are you doing here, Pasha? Or did you visit my mother?" Rustem says he did not, that he has a farm nearby in Uzunkpru...and was visiting there before going to Diyarbekir. Bali Bey is smiling to himself at the way the conversation is turning...Mihrimah cynically says: "How are you handling your affairs there Pasha, I am curious? You are here more than you are in Diyarbekir. " Bali Bey smirks to himself. Rustem: "As you know it has not been long since we returned from war - " Bali Bey interrupts: "We should be going, Sultanim. We shouldn't be any more late." Mihrimah is about to get back in the carriage, when Rustem says: "For the safety of our Sultana, aren't there too few guards?" Mihrimah pauses and listens as Rustem says: "There are a lot of bandits on this road." Bali Bey says: "You do not worry, Rustem Pasha, while I am here, no one can harm the Sultana" "Good" Rustem says and Bali Bey says: "Good" and Mihrimah smiles and gets in the carriage. Bali Bey mounts his horse and Rustem is left watching...

Meanwhile back in the Sultan's room, Shah comments that this recommendation could not have just come of nowhere, that it is obvious, that Rustem has seen himself worthy of her! Suleyman: "It is apparent that you do not see Rustem suitable?" Shah replies: "When you see something suitable, afterwards who dares to say anything, Hunkarim? Only, the matter is about Mihrimah's happiness...she is your most precious...I think it would be beneficial to measure this thoroughly" Suleyman: "Yes, in fact, I am not going to make any decision yet...there is not hurry" Shah Sultan says: "I do not think Mihrimah has even had this thought in her head yet..." Suleyman: "What she thinks and wants, is very important to me, but, if not today, tomorrow she will certainly be married..." Shah says: "You are right, if you wish, when she comes back from Edirne I can speak to her and open this matter." Suleyman says: "Good thinking, for her peace and happiness I want to do the right thing..." Shah Sultan and Suleyman smile at each other...

In the Divan, Lutfi, Ayaz and Husrev are together. Lutfi says: "Mustafa Pasha was a respected and precious Pasha for everyone. I wonder who our Hunkar will appoint in his place...May his place be in heaven." Ayaz Pasha says: "Ameen...our Hunkar knows the best as always. There are many worthy and capable Pashas in this Devlet." Husrev: "Saying this, while the funeral has not even been done, you have someone in mind. Probably you have already recommended someone." Lutfi replies: "We do not need to be astrologer, Husrev Pasha...Ayaz Pasha has twice recommended Rustem Pasha! But It is apparent that our Hunkar did not respect it..." Husrev has a small smile on his face and Ayaz says: "You are the damat (groom) of the hanedan, Pasha, and you also Husrev Pasha, you are both Damats. despite this, you are taking your orders from me, because our Hunkar's absolute minister...and for as long as this is, everyone will know their limits!" They all stand. Lutfi: "Pasha should take precautions and exit that way from the you know, the death toll from illness is mounting these days in the Pay-i-Taht...we must be careful!" Ayaz goes close to Lutfi and says: "Do not trust in being a Damat this not forget that it takes three words, divorce, divorce, divorce..." Ayaz smiles and leaves...Lutfi is left with Husrev...Husrev asks him what he is doing, what is the need for such tension...then Husrev comments that there is something that must be bothering him (Lutfi) and that hopefully nothing is the matter." Lutfi is quiet and praying to God under his breath.

Meanwhile, Shah meets Mercan in the corridor. Shah asks: "Did you know about this?" Mercan replies that no, he just heard from her and that it is obvious Hurrem Sultan wanted this as Rustem would not dare to do this on his own, and Shah says that Rustem went to Edirne, but not to do what they wanted him to do and that it was obvious that they had all thought of this game from before. Mercan says that it was not only Rustem Pasha that went to Edirne but also Lutfi Pasha. Shah asks what this means and Mercan says that he wondered when he suddenly disappeared  so then he investigated. He does not want to take anyone's sins (as in he does not want to blame Lutfi) but that this secret meeting is not a good sign is apparent. Shah says that this was all that was left, and she says she will get to the truth of the matter and that meanwhile, Mercan should keep an eye out on Rustem - what he does, where he goes, she wishes to know. And that they need to prevent this marriage at all costs. Mercan tells Shah that if she would order him, he would take care of Rustem (get rid of him). But Shah replies that he will certainly pay for what he has done, but that they must be patient and that obviously, Hurrem has other things in her mind...

In Edirne, Hurrem is in her room thoughtful, when Fahriye enters. "Sultanim, do you need anything?" Hurrem, whose head is turned says "I need to go back, my enemies are digging my grave day by day in my absence." Fahriye asks what Rustem wanted, since he did not come a long way for nothing, Hurrem turns to look at her, then Fahriye apologizes for her curiosity. Hurrem says that Rustem Pasha has big dreams...even she would not have guessed that much. Hurrem says: "His intelligence and capabilities on one side, his audacity and ambitions keep surprising me...being a Pasha in my service should absolutely have this type of quality...only what I expect from them is one thing, loyalty...this is more important that anything...because serving me, they should be breathing my dreams not their own..." Fahriye asks: "Did he propose something Sultanim?"  

Hurrem: "He wishes to marry Mihrimah...heh.. it is obvious he has thought about this for a long time...and considering his anger towards Malkocoglu. Behind this courage is no thought, he is moving based on his emotions." 

Fahriye asks: "What answer did you give, Sultanim? Are you going to permit this marriage?" Hurrem: "I am thinking about this, Fahriye...although I am not the only one to have think, our Hunkar knows of the situation..." 

Meanwhile, Nigar, Shah and Hatice are together. Nigar: "Sultanim, I told you, the only thing in his mind since the beginning was this..." Shah says: "You said he will turn whichever way the wind blows...but he didn't turn..he did not take our my order." Hatice: "What order was that?" Shah is silent so Hatice turns to Nigar. "Nigar?" Nigar: "To take Hurrem Sultan's life." Hatice says: "I thought killing was not allowed? When I had given this type of order you did not let me." Shah pauses then says: "It was only a test for Rustem...let us think about after this...apparently Hurrem intends to use Mihrimah for her ambitions...we must prevent this marriage." Nigar: "Our Hunkar was not too enthusiastic about it, you said?" Shah: "Today yes, but we cannot know what he will think tomorrow.." Hatice: "You are getting worried for no reason, Mihrimah will never want to marry Rustem" Shah replies to Hatice: "And you did not want to marry Husrev Pasha, but you married him, is that not right?" Hatice: "Continue, my sister...of every two words you say, one of them is meant to wound me, and you do this in front of our subjects (servants)...Nigar looks uncomfortable...Shah tells Nigar: "Nigar you go know about the plague right? take precautions..." Nigar tells her not to worry and then bows and leaves...when she is gone, Shah says to Hatice: "Hatice, now is not the time to be offended...Rustem has gone to Edirne...I do not have any doubt that he has found a way to bring Hurrem back...if he suceeds, Hurrem will return and Rustem will have Mihrimah as promised!" Hatice says: "Are you going to say what is on your mind or should I guess?" Shah replies: "I have to think for a bit...because in my mind there is another issue...we will talk about it later...I will rest for a bit Hatice.." she leaves Hatice wondering...then Shah passes the servants and tells them to give her word when Lutfi Pasha arrives home...

In Edirne at night, Mihrimah and Cihangir sit with their mother. Cihangir is leaning on his mother. "I missed you so much Anne!" Hurrem: "I missed you too, Aslanim." Mihrimah says: "No matter how proud you are of Cihangir, it is not enough...because us coming here, he had the most to do with it." Hurrem watches surprised and pleased. Mihrimah: "He sent me to my father, and told me to tell him he wasn't eating or drinking." Hurrem pleased, but knowing she has to teach them a lesson says with a smile: "There is nothing to be proud about lying to your father, Mihrimah, right Cihangir..." Cihangir nods. Mihrimah says there was no other way to see her...and that actually Malkocoglu was the real one who helped...he accompanied us. Hurrem looks at her daughter's eyes that are glowing...then she quickly asks how Mehmet, Beyazid and Selim are doing and Mihrimah says that they miss their mother just like herself and Cihangir and that outside of this, everyone else is fine...Hurrem says that there is a plague in the city and hopefully no one in the Palace got anything and then she tells Mihrimah that she must be very careful...Mihrimah says that Bali Bey told her on the way and how did she learn about it, and Hurrem responds that in order to protect her children she has to know about everything..." 

Meanwhile, Lutfi stands by the window enjoying some walnuts (I think it is walnuts and once again, he seems to really be enjoying his food. He probably would have been a food critic, or a chef or something - oh no, they replaced apples with walnuts! Mercan doesn't get to have any though hahaha! ) Lutfi hears the door and turns and sees Shah who greets him. He walks over and Shah says "finally you came..." Lutfi is about to put a walnut into his mouth when she says: "Or again did you go to Edirne to Hurrem Sultan..." Lutfi turns around. Shah: "What happened? did you think this type of meeting would remain secret? Or are you going to deny it?" Lutfi: "I was never involved in any incident that I would have to deny. It is true that I met with her, because she called me." Shah angrily says: "Why was I not informed about this? And more importantly, what did you talk about Pasha?! Is this an alliance? If it is, I count an alliance against me as one against the dynasty!" Lutfi: "For God's sake, what alliance are you talking about? She wanted me to help her to come back, to terminate the animosity finally..." Shah asks why he hid it then and Lutfi replies that a rejected proposal is not worth talking about and Shah ask what Hurrem promised in return and Lutfi says that she offered him the position of Grand Vizier and that if he were to help her that she would do her utmost to get Ayaz Pasha fired. Shah asks what kind of proposition this is since there is no serving Hurrem in spite of me..." Lutfi says that Shah is right and that this is why she proposed first to get rid of Shah..." Shah is surprised and silent...

Meanwhile, in Rustem's house, Nigar and Rustem are having their meal. Nigar says: "So you are a suitor to Mihrimah..." Rustem stops for a moment and then continues as if it did not bother him...Nigar says: "You made a mistake, my Pasha...when you could be under Shah Sultan's wings (protection), you chose her made a mistake... Rustem says: "Time will tell." Nigar: "You've fallen into the sea of are going to drown and you have no idea...our Hunkar will never give you his daughter" Rustem replies: "If that is the case, why the worry, woman? It is clear that you are afraid that you will thrown out into the street which is why you are stressed out." Nigar says: "You cannot do this...I will not allow you to remove me from your life this way!" Rustem says: 'You are not in my life go inside and leave me alone!" Just then, Olivia brings him a drink and he thanks her and she wishes him 'bon appetite'! 

Back in Hatice's palace, Shah is still speaking to Lutfi. Shah says "Is that all Pasha? What other lies did Hurrem put into your head?....Because, this silence is not a good sign..." Lutfi replies after some chewing..."Since you want to listen... then listen..." Shah says: "i am listening, Pasha." Lutfi says: "Hurrem Sultan said that you wish to be rid of me. That once my job is done and you are finished with me, you will throw me in a corner and go on your way..." Shah says: "Just the other day you were talking about that snake's poisonous not dare tell me you believed it?!" Lutfi: "I did not believe any of her words...and I won't..only this..that does not mean that all is well between you and me...right? As you know, it has been years since we slept in the same bed..." Shah is annoyed by this and says: "She wants to put discord between us...if you get into this game, Hurrem will win, is that what you want?" Lutfi: "I know what I want, Sultanim...if you want to lose Hurrem Sultan...then the condition is me becoming Grand Vizier!"  Shah Sultan replies: "This is my intention will get what you want Pasha..." Lutfi asks what they are waiting for and Shah says: "We put Hurrem in a corner, there is only one obstacle left in our way." Lutfi says: "Ayaz Pasha!...he is powerless...especially in Hurrem Sultan's absence..." Shah says: "You are right...that is why I will let him get out of our way..." Lutfi: "God Willing..." 

Meanwhile, Suleyman is eating with his three boys in his room. Mehmet pauses and asks when Mihrimah and Cihangir will return and Suleyman says in a few days. Beyazid says: "My mother will come with them right?" Suleyman becomes uncomfortable and says " What is this interrogation?! Eat your food." Suleyman gets up and goes out to the balcony...Mehmet goes after him but Afife calls out and tells him to stay with his siblings and then she goes out to Suleyman. She tells him that he has always called her his mother and if he still thinks this way and Suleyman says of course, "the time and hard work you have spent on me is great." Afife says:" In that case, be kind enough to listen to what I have to say...this punishment you gave Hurrem Sultan is too heavy..." Suleyman replies: "Do not interfere in this issue Afife Hatun." Afife says: "Forgive my audacity, but separating a mother from her children is a big sin, Hunkarim,...on top of this, this is not only a punishment for her, but also for your children - not even knowing the reason for your are wounding their pure hearts...I am certain this is not what you wanted...Hunkarim..." she leaves to go..but Suleyman says: "Afife hatun! Hurrem is not only the mother of my children..but she is also my wedded wife! Only, this does not give her the right to do whatever she one can dare to attack my sister, my harem...if they do, they will receive their punishment...she should pray that I saved her life!" Suleyman turns back angrily and Afife goes away...

Meanwhile back in Edirne...Cihangir is alseep and Mihrimah and Hurrem sit together. She tells Mihrimah that everything happened just as she said...Shah Sultan has sent her far away and is not losing any opportunities to cast doubts about her in the Sultan's heart. Mihrimah tells her mother that while giving this punishment, the Sultan has only hurt himself the most...and that despite the lies and accusations, that only Hurrem is in his heart..and that he misses her. Hurrem smiles with tears in her eyes forming and says that she prays for this stay in his heart...for him to miss her...she prays. Mihrimah says that she also prays that if she is to marry one day it will be bound by love ...just like the Sultan and her mother. She puts her head on her mother's lap and her mother strokes her hair and is worried about her...

The next scene, it is day in Manisa. Mustafa is in his room reading some documents. Yahya enters and says: "The one whose son was kidnapped, Sheyh Hassan Efendi, sent word..the pirates have requested to leave the ransom around Sisam..." Mustafa asks how the meeting will be and Yahya answers that he (hassan) is going to go with three people, and if you wish I (yahya) can send the gold...Mustafa asks what happened to the ships he has requested and if they have arrived in Izmir port. Yahya says they should arrive soon. Mustafa says that he should prepare as it is time to catch the Pirate Da Gama, and that Mustafa will personally give him the ransom. Yahya says that this is not possible because Mustafa is not allowed to travel on the seas without the Hunkar's permission. Mustafa says that he has promised the Sheyh and that in order to carry out the promise it is necessary for him to bet here and Yahya says that he cannot allow him (Mustafa) to take part in this type of dangerous adventure, as he (Mustafa) is the heir apparent. Mustafa says: "I know exactly who I am, if you are going to tell me what to do just like my mother, then step away from me, or stay, but obey my commands."

Meanwhile in Mahidevran's room, Fidan and Ayse enter. Mahidevran asks Ayse to come close. Mahidevran asks Ayse why she cannot get along with Rumeysa (as according to Fidan the two have been constantly arguing). Ayse says she is not to blame and Mahidevran says "how can it not be your fault? You are a Shehzade's woman! You gave my son a Sultana! Does it befit you to fight with the cariyes? On top of this, my son has become agitated because of this situation." Ayse replies that Rumeysa is not innocent the way Mahidevran thinks and that "she is deceptive like a snake, she hides herself..when I heard what she said, my blood boiled!" Then Mahidevran tells her she is curious to know what Rumeysa said? Ayse responds that Rumeysa said that she would make the Shehzade fall for her and then she will be a Sultana and then she will rule the Harem....Mahidevran tells Ayse to go back to her room and busy herself with her child...and that she does not want to hear about a single incident..Ayse begs Mahidevran to believe her, but Mahidevran says: 'Don't make me say it twice!" and Ayse bows and leaves...

Fidan says that what Ayse said about Rumeysa cannot just be ignored, but Mahidevran does not take it seriously...she replies that Ayse is saying such things out of jealousy and envy and that Rumeysa is still so young...and scolds Fidan saying that they, Ayse and Fidan have totally twisted a innocent fantasy..." We see that Rumeysa has been listening and she smiles....


Meanwhile, in the Sultan's chamber, Lutfi and Husrev are standing in front of the Sultan. Lutfi says: "I examined the issue of Sheyh Mashuki, he returned to Uskudar this morning." Husrev says that Mashuki was preaching at Kalednerhane Mosque. Suleyman is annoyed by this and asks how they could allow such a thing in a mosque to cause trouble among the Muslims. Suleyman tells Lutfi to tell Ebusuud to arrest Mashuki at once and that he would like to be there for his hearing. Lutfi: "As you comman, Hunkarim" and leaves. 

In the corridor, we see Rustem arrives waiting to be let in to see the Sultan. Lutfi has left the Sultan's room, so he sees Rustem and stares at him. Rustem avoids his eyes for a while and then suddenly looks up and says: "Is everything alright my Pasha? you probably did not expect to see me?" Lutfi tells him to get out from under his feet, otherwise he will step over him like an insect. Rustem tells Lutfi that it is not that easy and that if he was in his place (Lutfi's place) he would give heed to Hurrem Sultan's agha tells Rustem he can be seen by the Sultan now and Rustem goes off, with a smile on his face...

Inside the Sultan's room meanwhile, Suleyman is speaking to Husrev and asks him how Hatice is, Husrev answers his slow voice (so I don't know if he is nervous or if that is just the way he sounds). Suleyman advises him not to be negligent about this family, and that he even gives him permission to go on an trip with Hatice to get some fresh air and Husrev smiles awkwardly and says when the time is suitable hopefully they can go (because they are not even living together).

Rustem arrives and Suleyman tells him to enter. Rustem informs him that there is something important he should be aware of - that the plague is spreading day by day and that it has gone to Edirne and that he has found out that there have been some deaths there... Suleyman is shocked and says: "What are you saying Pasha? Moshe Efendi said that Edirne is more safe?" Rustem says that of course, but that the Edirne Palace is not as safe as this palace and that in addition to this, all of Hurrem's needs are from Edirne and its surrounding places and who knows who enters and leaves the Palace there...Husrev interrupts and says that they had done everything they were instructed and that they took all the necessary measures... Rustem replies that of course, but that that Palace is far...that if God forbid, something were to happen, that intervention would be difficult. This has all worried Suleyman so he asks Rustem what he suggests, and Rustem replies that the Sultan knows better but that until the plague is gone, it would be best to transfer Hurrem to a safer Palace. Suleyman is worried and ponders what to do. He then says that they should send word to Moshe Efendi, for him to go at once to Edirne and to examine the matter himself....

In the Marble Palace, Ayaz Pasha and Shah Sultan are meeting with a screen between them. Ayaz asks why he has been called and Shah says that the Palace is in an uproar and he does not even notice and asks why this so... Ayaz says "forgive me, Sultanim, but I am busy these days with the plague issue, and on the other hand with the matters of the state." Shah Sultan says: "I know just what is keeping you busy Pasha, you go to the presence of our Hunkar and recommend Rustem Pasha has a groom!" Ayaz replies with a small smile: "As Grand Vizier, it is my duty to give some recommendations and findings...." Shah Sultan: "What inability is this?! You let a powerless person like Rustem trouble you!" Ayaz: "Sultanim, if Rustem were to be the Hunkar's groom, than he will be quicker to be in the Divan...the Divan I am ruling." Shah Sultan: "You mean the Divan Hurrem Sultan is ruling...If Rustem enters the Divan, the person with the most troubles on their head will be you...on top of this, an ambitious man like Rustem in the can a short time, he will want to be Grand Vizier!" Ayaz: "That is impossible!" Shah Sultan: "It is possible, keep being this way, and these can be possible...however are a good man of the Devlet...a good soldier...but you forget these qualities, and you have become a servant to Hurrem Sultan's fantasies!" Ayaz: "Never, I..." Shah Sultan: "Today you will make a decision Pasha...everything on one side...for your own honour you will make a decision...either like all of our subjects, you will serve this Dynasty and be an honourable Ottoman Pasha...or like right now, you will continue to live without self-respect....of course if you can call this living..." Ayaz looks troubled and distressed...

In Edirne, Bali Bey is waiting in a corridor when Hurrem and Fahriye arrive. Bali Bey: "Sultanim...I must take Mihrimah Sultan and our Shehzade to the Pay-i-Taht...I wanted to inform you." Hurrem says: "No matter how much I thank you for bringing my children to me, it will not be enough. Take them safely back." Bali Bey: 'Do not worry, Sultanim..." Hurrem wants to ask him if he loves her daughter or not. Hurrem: "Malkocoglu. I have a question for you...I hope you will give me a genuine answer."  Bali Bey: "You should have no doubt." Hurrem: "Is there anything between you and my daughter Mihrimah that I don't know about? Do not be shy...and just tell me what is in your heart...I swear on my children's head it will stay between us...and will never be used against you."  Bali Bey: "Sultanim, believe me...there is nothing that you or Mihrimah don't know about. I am only a soldier serving our Hunkar...there is absolutely no other wish, or dream of mine." Hurrem, pauses and then says: "Get the carriages ready...Mihrimah and Cihangir will come soon..."

Meanwhile, Rustem leaves the Sultan's chamber and in the corridor, meets Shah Sultan. Rustem: "Sultanim" Shah Sultan: "Rustem you have returned...I believe there is no good news (in your saddle-bag) for me...(you brought me no good news) isn't that right?" Rustem: "Sultanim, I am sure you can appreciate that the task you wanted me to carry out, I had to take out of my mind...because that would be suicide!" Shah: "And what about (this other thing) you have done then? You think you will prolong your life by being a suitor to Mihrimah Sultan??" Rustem replies: "Your slave, Rustem is accepting of anything that befalls him..." Shah says: "Arrogance and pride has already stricken you! Heh! This idiotic dream of yours will not make you a Vizier! But it will disgrace you! Now get out of my way!!" Rustem bows and takes his leave smiling and Shah is thoroughly annoyed...

Meanwhile, Mihrimah and Cihangir are bidding farewell to their mother. Mihrimah says to Hurrem: 'I am certain that soon you will be with us. Hurrem says: "God Willing" and gives her a letter: "I wish you to take this to our Hunkar. I do not trust anyone else! You must give this to him..." Mihrimah: "Of course, Validem." Hurrem says to Cihangir: "Cihangir, my little lion!" Cihangir is crying: "Anne?" Hurrem: "Cihangir, what did I say to you? A shehzade does not cry. Tell your siblings that I am very well, they should not worry. Do not be negligent in your eating and drinking. When I come back, I want to see a strong, powerful Shehzade!" They hug. Cihangir is sad. Hurrem tells Gulsum to take him and she asks Mihrimah to wait for a moment. She tells everyone to leave and leave her alone with her daughter. They all leave and Hurrem holds her daughters hand and takes her over to the sofa. Hurrem says: "My sun and moon...most beautiful of the beautiful...Sultanim. First of all, I want you to know that whatever I do, is for your future, and the future of your brothers." Mihrimah asks what is happening. Hurrem continues: "It has been long I have been thinking about your future...finally I am able to make a decision." Mihrimah: "What kind of decision?" Mihrimah starts to smile: "Or is it..." Hurrem looks troubled because she knows what her daughter is thinking, but continues despite herself: "Yes, I wish to marry you." Mihrimah: "Validem, you made me so happy! You have given me the world! I am indebted to you. Finally, me and Malkocoglu..." Hurrem stops her there: "Mihrimah, listen to me, without cutting my words listen to me..." Mihrimah: "Excuse my excitement." Hurrem: " Yes, I am going to have you married...but not to Malkocoglu. You will marry Diyarbekir Beylerbey, Rustem." Mihrimah is shocked!

Meanwhile, Ayaz Pasha has called Rustem and Rustem comes. He asks him why he is still here and why he hasn't gone to Diyarbekir. Rustem says he is here because of what has happened to Hurrem Sultan and he is trying to help her. Ayaz tells him that he should go back to Diyarbekir, as he stands out here. Rustem notices something is wrong and asks Ayaz what is wrong and what is the matter with him, and Ayaz replies that Rustem is the problem...walking around under foot, that he is tired of the flimsy ideas...he tells Rustem to go back to Diyarbekir, or he will have him removed from his position! Rustem is shocked and then Ayaz looks up and says "You may leave!" so Rustem bows and leaves...

Meanwhile, Hurrem is with her daughter. Mihrimah says: "What are you thinking, mother? How can this be How can you see Rustem Pasha worthy of me??" Hurrem: "Mihrimah, be calm" Mihrimah: " not wait for me to be calm...I never hid anything from you...whatever you wanted, I did...but in return you..." Hurrem: "Mihrimah do not be all agitated yet, I am not going to make a decision yet. This is just a thought." Mihrimah: "Take this thought out of your mind...I will not marry Rustem Pasha! Do you understand? I will not marry him!" Hurrem: "This is not my thinking alone, Mihrimah...our Hunkar has word of or tomorrow, he will give a decision..." Mihrimah: "Our Hunkar...oh Allah, this is like a nightmare...where did this marriage come out from?! When was this all discussed...why did I not know about it?!" Hurrem holds her daughter: "Mihrimah look at me! Look at me! Did I ever want something bad for you?" Mihrimah shakes her head. Would I ever do something to make you unhappy?!" Mihrimah: "Then, my Valide, please do not let it happen! I am begging you, prevent it!" Hurrem: "we cannot stop the Sultan's decision but I will do what I can my daughter." Mihrimah: "Thanks, Validem!" and she hugs her. Hurrem looks distressed. Hurrem says: "But I want something from you. Think about this marriage...without refusing absolutely, think first...' Mihrimah's eyes fill with tears and Hurrem softens: "This might be the best for you maybe...Everyone is an enemy to us and your brothers...Rustem Pashs is loyal to us...He is a smart, capable and talented Pasha...and his future is very bright... " Mirhrimah: "No! I will not think about this...because my heart is..." Hurrem: "Forget Bali By! You have no future with him, no happiness, no hope! Believe me, this is impossible!" Mihrimah looks at her mother and walks out angrily...

Gulsum has brought Cihangir to the carriages. Bali Bey greets him and Cihangir says: "Can we not stay for another day?" Bali Bey: "Shehzadem, our Hunkar is waiting for you." Bali Bey sees Mihrimah coming and greets her. She is sad so he says: "Do not be sad. Later I will bring you here again..." Mihrimah says: "Let us go at once!" Bali Bey is left wondering (as always). Hurrem goes out on the balcony and watches Mihrimah and Mihrimah gives her an angry look...Hurrem cries...

In Istanbul, Suleyman is visiting Ebusuud, and Ahmet, Ebusuud's son, remakrs that he has made them fortunate with his visit...Suleyman smiles with his eyes...The Sultan goes and sits, and Ebusuud tells him that he has arranged for Mashuki to brought soon..Ahmet says that if he wishes, he can leave..but Suleyman tells him to wait and wishes him to be present and Ebusuud is pleased. 

Meanwhile, in a mosque, Mashuki is preaching that the plague did not come from God but from people...and then he sees in the distant guards coming. Then he continues to speak and the guards say that they have gotten orders to take him and Mashuki asks from who, they say from Kazasker (High Military Judge and Official Rank in Ottoman Judiciary), Ebusuud Effendi. One of Mashuki's followers says that he will stay but then Mashuk tells them it is okay, he will go as it is an honour to see Ebusuud.  So he goes with the guards...

The next scene shows him in front of the Sultan. Suleyman says: "So you are Piri Ali Efendi's son, Sheyh Mashuki." Mashuki: " I am always proud of being such a father's son, Hunkarim." Suleyman: "Is this why, disregarding your father, you are after trouble-making and sedition?" Mashuki: "My service to my father and you our Hunkar is eternal...but this service does not prevent me from going on the path I think is right."  Lutfi says: "Your path you call it, God forgive me, falling into disbelief by going against Allah's commands and contradicting your Lord?" (Lutfi is very worried about even mentioning such things, so he asks God to forgive him). Mashuki: "It is possible that many people are not pleased by what I say, most of them are probably angry with is possible...but I did not contradict the Mighty Lord Allah...." he continues to say that nothing he has said is in contradiction...Ebusuud says how can it not be contradictory, you have denied the Islamic commands and you call prayer an call eating and drinking worship...(which is considered by most Muslims as also worshiping but prayer is considered as the best form and mandatory expression) Mashuki replies that this is true... he says the moment you open your eyes, until you close them that they are answerable to God for everything, for oppression, envy etc. Ebusuud says: "But you were saying other things in the Mosques and the schools and here you are saying something else! Mashuki says everywhere he says what he sees right to say there...some listens with their hearts, some see with their eyes...some see wrong.. and ultimately what was not said, is not being said..." Ebusuud tells him not to twist words, that he listened to his sermons personally, and that every word of his was disbelief to Islam... that he was blaspheming, that if he kept his ideas to himself it would be fine, he could believe whatever he wants, live whatever way he wants, no one will interfere, but that he is confusing and causing trouble and discord among loyal subjects and making them enemies! Suleyman says that Ebusuud is right...and that on top of his service to his father Piri Ali and Ebusuud, that he will close the case without opening it...and that although it is a requirement to take his head (execute him) he will let him go and forgive him...and orders him to go back to his own hometown Aksaray. If he hears one more incident from him, at that time he will not be happy and he should know the consequences!"

On the road to Istanbul, Mihrimah is distressed and she suddenly can't take it anymore and asks for the carriage to stop. Mihrimah gets down and Bali Bey dismounts...she says she wants some air and goes off. Bali Bey looks at her in the distance and then approaches her. He says: "Sultanim, forgive my worry, but why are you so troubled? Not because you left Hurrem Sultan right?" Mihrimah shakes her head...and says: "My mother and our Hunkar wish to marry me...they will marry me to Rustem Pasha..." Mihrimah is crying. Bali Bey is taken by surprise. "Rustem Pasha?!" Mihrimah nods and says: 'And I do not want it! Even thinking about it is scary!" Bali Bey says that if the Sultan had been thinking about this, he would have known about it before...Mihrimah says: 'I do not, my mother said this...what should I do, Malkocoglu? It is better to die than marry him!"  Bali Bey says: " not be sad...everything will turn out alright..." Mihrimah gets close and says: 'Malkocoglu only you can save me...please help me!" 

The next scene shows us a is Ayaz Pasha's house...there is a party and dancing. An agha standing nearby and Ayaz asks who the woman is and the agha says the woman is a slave of Shah's and a gift to him (Ayaz). Ayaz is pleased...

Meanwhile in Hatice's Palace...Shah is sitting and Nigar stands in front of her. Nigar says that Rustem has said they will be going on their way tomorrow and Shah replies that, good and that Nigar should listen to her well - she should go with Rustem to Diyarbekir and not leave him alone and watch him carefully...she does not want him to walk around free.." Nigar says do not worry, and that she will be informing her...Nigar leaves and Lutfi enters and sits beside his wife. Shah looks distressed so Lutfi asks if here is something important she has to tell him about the issue they were talking about before. Shah says not yet, but not to worry...soon he will get what he wants. Lutfi says he is fortunate and happy that she sees eye to eye with him on this issue because in order to push Rustem and Hurrem aside, Ayaz Pasha being fired from his position is a condition. That he (Lutfi)  will look after the mighty empire. Shah looks at him and tells him to be patient...that he waited for years, just wait a little longer. Lutfi is pleased as a peach.

Mihrimah enters the Sultan's corridor and goes to his room...Rustem is watching from the corner...

The Sultan is in his room when there is a knock. Mihrimah enters and Suleyman welcomes her and asks how she is. He asks where Cihangir is, and she says he was sleepy so she sent him to his room...she asks if he won't ask about her mother? Suleyman says he has sent his most trusted personal doctor, because the plague has gone to that place as well...Mihrimah says her mother is not well...she is very sad...missing him (the Sultan) and her boys...she says she wished me to give this to you and hands him the letter. He says that she looks very tired if she doesn't have anything else to say she should go sleep and she starts to say something, then changes her mind and says goodnight and leaves. Outside Rustem is in the corridor. She tries to ignore him, but he approaches. "Because I am going to Diyerbekir...tomorrow I will be leaving...I came to say goodbye to our Hunkar..." Mihrimah does not look at him and says abruptly: "May your way be open, Pasha" and walks away...He calls out to her. "Sultanim..." she pauses. He walks over and looks at her: "whatever is written in our destiny we have to live out...if my Lord gives me the chance to certain that, other than seeing you again, I have no other wishes..." Mihrimah finally looks at him and says : "(basically she says not in your dreams/don't dream about it) I will never marry you!" Rustem looks sadly after her...

In Suleyman's room. Suleyman reads her letter: 

Suleyman. My star of happiness. My reigning Padhisah (King). The Sultan of my pitiful/poor, thrown heart...What number letter is this, I have even lost count...maybe you have not written me an answer...maybe they are not letting a single letter reach you...If, by this fire of separation you mean to kill me, then know that my breath has stopped, since that day I have been separated from my love, my Padishah.  My Sultan, my master! Your wretched slave, servant, your worthless cariye has caught fire/is alight by the fire of yearning, dreaming of the day of seeing you again. Oh how I have fallen into the clutches of cruel separation that...I am afraid of drowning in my own tears...your poor one, Hurrem. Suleyman is sad...

Meanwhilel Ayaz Pasha is with the cariye Shah has sent and in the morning he notices that he smells something and then he sees that the woman beside him is dead and has wounds all over her and he shouts for the agha and the agha says she has the plague...Ayaz's face fills with dread...

Meanwhile, Shah is eating breakfast with Hatice and Hatice asks her what she is doing. That she doesn't say anything to her. Shah says that it is better if she does not know...and that she should be concerned about her own problems...that Suleyman was asking Husrev Pasha about her...and that he might be suspicious. Then Shah adds that it would be good for Hatice to go to the YeniBahce Saray...Hatice says no, that Shah had made her a promise! Shah says that nothing will happen, she can stay in a separate room. Hatice is agitated and says that it is apparent she wishes to send her away. Suleyman is suddenly announced and he enters to the shock of Hatice and Shah. He sees Hatice and Shah welcomes him and Suleyman asks what Hatice is doing there and she says she came to visit and he says that she should not lie to him, as Lutfi Pasha said that she did not go to her palace at all. Hatice looks away and Shah is disturbed...

Meanwhile In Edirne, Moshe has arrived to visit Hurrem. They speak behind the screen. Moshe tells Hurrem that there is the plague in the city and that the Sultan has asked him to examine the situation. Hurrem says she is fine and there are precautions in the palace and Hurrem says he may go do his duty to examine as he says he has to and calls the aghas to help him. Hurrem asks Fahriye if everything is ready and Fahriye says do not worry. 

Meanwhile, Suleyman is talking to Hatice. He says: "You are now a married Sultana, your place is next to your husband. Prepare immediately and go to your palace!" Hatice says: "Living under this roof is the only thing that gives me happiness." Suleyman responds: "This marriage is not a punishment for you, it is for you to get well, to return to your life...but you staying here, what could be the meaning of that?" Hatice says: "Not in the same Palace...You threw me into the same prison as Husrev Pasha...he will never be my spouse!" She bows and leaves.... Suleyman turns to Shah and says: "Only you are left to do things behind my back." Shah says: "forgive me, Hunkarim, being scared of her taking her own life, I found this solution...after  a while she would go to her own palace anyway." Suleyman says: "Ensure she leaves at once." 

In the Palace, Mihrimah is in the corridor where she meets Esmahan who says: "I came to see you since you came back." Mihrimah says: 'Then you know who took me and brought me back!" and Esmahan says: "Yes, Malkocoglu took you! Although....other things have reached my ears...for example, Rustem Pasha!" Mihrimah looks at her annoyed. "Tell those birds that bring you news that soon I will break their wings!" Esmahan says: "If you recall someone was secretly admiring you...It is obvious it was Rustem Pasha...who you intend, who you end up with, haha!" Mihrimah says: "Stop dreaming, I will not marry anyone except Malkocoglu. Now go away!" Esmahan says: "Don't talk one knows what will happen tomorrow!" 

In Edirne...Moshe asks the agha if he is sure it is the plague and he sees someone on the ground. He tells everyone to move aside. He covers his face and puts a mask on and gloves and goes to inspect the person much to the wonder of the aghas around...Moshe inspects the man with a stick pulls away his shirt and sees plague wounds on him. Then he tells the aghas to put a thick lanket on him immediately... and to wrap him in layers and then bury him away from the city...and to inform the doctors to inspect everyone in the Palace...especially whoever came in contact with that particular agha on the ground, then he instructs them to prepare the Sultana's carriage.

Meanwhile, in Istanbul...Ayaz Pasha goes to see Shah Sultan....

Later in the Edirne Saray, Moshe is there to speak to Hurrem. He rushes over to the screen and says, unfortunately, Sultanim, there has been someone with the plague! He says without wasting any time that she has to get away...Hurrem says to Istanbul? But Moshe says not, to Bursa. She is shocked and says she understands...but that she will not go anywhere. He says he will not allow it and she will not go anywhere. 

Meanwhile in Istanbul, Shah Sultan's agha tells Ayaz that she will see him later. Ayaz is annoyed and distressed. He walks away. Shah is watching from her window. 

Meanwhile, the Sultan is in his room putting his seal on a document or letter, when Mercan arrives. He says there is bad news, that the Grand Vizier has caught the plague. Suleyman is shocked and says are you sure? Mercan says that he got it from a woman. Suleyman is very sad. He says send him a doctor and that no one should know about what happened...Suleyman is sad and distressed...

Meanwhile, out in the sea, some Pirates are on a ship and Mustafa (in disguise) is on board. Mustafa asks if the man is Cristova Da Gama and the man confirms and says finally you came! He says if anything goes wrong, that he will hang them from the mast...Mustafa says in Portugese...where is the kid? the pirates laugh...Da Gama pulls a dagger and holds it to Mustafa's throat. Mustafa, showing no fear, says in Portugese: "I wish to see the kid" Yahya watches warily. The man calls for the kid..

Meanwhile, Mahidevran meets Barbarossa. They greet each other and he says he found out Shehzade has gone out...and Mahidevran says that he left to go save a kid...and Barbarossa asks how this is possible and why didn't he send word and Mahidevran says that is why she is worried, he is not even allowed to be on the sea and he is fighting crazy pirates. Barbarossa says this is not good and the Sultan has sent him to speak to Mustafa. Mahidevran is worried...

Back on the pirate ship, they bring out a young boy. Mustafa tells Yahya to take the kid but the pirate says "I give the orders" and then Mustafa says that he had heard of Vasco Da Gama and that he was a great seafarer and that look at his son, who captures children for ransom! The pirate is furious on hearing this. He circles Mustafa and looks at him. "What did you say?" Mustafa says: "I know you know what I said." The Pirate says: "If you are this courageous...either you have something to trust in, or are stupid?" Mustafa says: 'Whatever you decide... " and looks over to the other side and the Pirate sees ships and asks "Who are you?!" and Mustafa says: "I am an Ottoman soldier, come to take your life!" And him and Yahya take the pirates on single handedly.

At night, Shah visits Mihrimah in Hurrem's room. They greet each other and Shah asks about Hurrem but Mihrimah replies that as if you care. Then Shah says that Mihrimah must blame her, however, it was the Sultan's decision...and that this is not why she came...she came to talk about something else. Mihrimah says she knows what she came to talk about, about Rustem Pasha? Shah Sultan says that the Sultan wonders what Mihrimah thinks about this marriage, because without her acceptance, he would never marry her to him. Mihrimah asks if that is really what the Sultan thinks and Shah says of course, otherwise would he want me to talk to you? You are the Hunkar's eye pupil (beloved and precious). Mihrimah tells her she can tell her that she can tell her father she does not wish to marry Rustem. Shah says, well think about it...Rustem is a Pasha with a bright future. Mihrimah says she has no need to think...she does not want to marry Rustem. Shah asks if she has someone else in mind and Mihrimah says no, there is no one in mind and Shah says, I know about your interest in  Bali Bey, is this why you are protesting to this marriage? Mihrimah says Sultanim, there is no one in my heart...and Rustem Pasha? never! 

Meanwhile, Suleyman is staring at Hurrem's letter when there is a knock at the door and Shah is announced and accepted and enters. She tells Suleyman that she spoke to Mihrimah and that she does nto want to marry...Suleyman says there is no hurry...Shah looks at him because he looked worried and he says what should he tell her? that Hurrem is in Edirne and his children are sad...Hatice is in a bad condition and Mustafa is doing things from his own mind and on top of this the plague...and that Ayaz Pasha has perhaps contracted the plague. Shah plays like she does not know and says she hopes it isn't and then Suleyman says how can a Grand Vizier be so negligent? 

In the day in Istanbul, in the Divan and Suleyman asks how Ayaz is and Lutfi says that the doctors have said it is the plague. Matrakci says that the incident happened at Ayaz' of his slaves at a party had it...and he got it...Suleyman silences him. "Nasuh Effendi, Bali Bey, this should be a lesson to you two - the things you eat, the things you drink...where you careful." Matrakci looks thoroughly scolded and Bali Bey says: "Do not worry Hunkarim." Moshe Effendi arrives and Suleyman dismisses all the Pasha. Suleyman asks how Hurrem is and is relieved to know she is alright.

Outside Bali, Matrakci, and the Pashas are discussing Ayaz. Bali Bey asks how this could happen as Ayaz Pasha is very cautios and careful. Matrakci hints that people who spill blood, this will happen to them. Matrakci warns him then Matrakci says is it a lie? and that after Ibrahim's death Ayaz' doings are apparent. Lutfi agrees with him and says that you cannot build on oppression/persecution (oh the irony since his wife sent Ayaz the plague lol!). 

Husrev comments that in this case, Ayaz cannot continue his job and that the issue of the moment will be the Grand Viziership, hinting at Lutfi and Lutfi says he swears to God he does not look at position and power...he is alright with serving the state...

Meanwhile Mustafa is walking with the boy he has rescued and his Janissaries and the boy's father is overcome with joy at having his son back. The father thanks Mustafa and says : "My my life be sacrificed in your service!" and expresses his joy at having his son back saying that Mustafa brought him the world! Everyone standing around praises Mustafa. Mustafa says that they should be calm...Da Gama has found what he was worthy of (punished and killed) and that no one can touch their families, their possessions  their lives, if they do they find Mustafa in front of them! Everyone is so happy and shouts Long Live Shehzade Mustafa...

Mahidevran is with Barabarossa and asks why Mustafa would do such things...does he not think about his own life? and Barbarossa answers that his courage is known to all, not just in Manisa...Mahideran says that first of all he has to save himself...Barbarossa agrees that he has to be more careful...

Mustafa arrives and greets them...and then Barbarossa says he heard that he had taught the pirates a lesson...

Meanwhile, Suleyman is with Moshe and is angry that he did not carry out his order and Moshe said he could not force her...he said she said: "I do not have any concern towards my life anymore...Since I am living far from our Hunkar, then it does not matter even if I die." Suleyman is shocked to hear this...

Hurrem and Fahriye are together and Fahriye says that Sultanim, you staying here is very you not even think of yourself? At least think of your children..Hurrem says there is no other choice...either she will leave alive or if she has to, dead...

Barbarossa is talking to Mustafa and telling him that he is a Shehazade how can he throw himself into trouble like this and Mustafa says that his life is what? How could he let the bad things happen and then answer to God when he meets Him? Mustafa says don't worry I am here now...Barbarossa says the Sultan sent him and that he was not happy and that he should have sent word...Mustafa says he sent word and no answer and Barbarossa realizes what has happened...someone must have prevented it. He tells Mustafa don't you know your enemies are sorrounding? and do not doubt that this recent incident will reach his ears too and then Barbarossa informs him that the Sultan has ordered the shipyard to be closed and Mustafa says in order to prevent the pirates, the shipyard is important and Barbarossa says that it is impossible...Barbarossa says I warned you before...while your enemies are must be careful. Mustafa says tell the sultan about the shipyard and Barabarossa tells Mustafa to forget the shipyard...Mustafa is surprised and Barbarossa says that he will try his best to keep this recent incident a secret. 

In Edirne, Hurrem walks quickly almost running to a room, the doors open and Suleyman is standing with his back turned. She bows, breathless. he sees her and stares..angry but missing her...She says: "Suleyman, it means you came!" 

Meanwhile, Hatice, Gulfem and Shah are together. Gulfem says she is shocked at Rustem, but Hatice says that why is she surprised he would do anything to achieve his goals...Mercan enters suddenly and informs Shah that the Sultan will be away for a while...Shah wonders where and Mercan is quiet...Shah says Edirne? Mercan says he does not one knows...everyone looks at Shah...

Back in Edirne...Hurrem walks slowly to Suleyman whose face is angry. She looks at him and he looks at her and they are face to face. Hurrem: "My pain and the cure to my pain..My life, my Padhisah, You came, you brought pleasure and joy...she kisses his hand and holds on to it and says: "With these blessed hands of yours, you removed me from the well of pain and grief and have brought light to me with your face..."Suleyman takes her hands and looks at her... Then he removes her hands...she looks down: "I told you to go to Bursa, but you did not obey my order. The situation is serious, Hurrem, an agha died from plague...why are you still here?!" Hurrem says: "And you came to this Palace of death....I stayed for the same of love.." He turns away...She looks down and says " all the disasters, loss and hurt and pain and troubles that fell upon me, is not the reason for all this love?" and then she suddenly holds him from behind "You are my Pahisah, do you not know that, the illness is not killing me...the separation is...not on the face of this earth, or the sky or in this world, is there a worse painful illness than this? It took my life!" Then she lets go and goes to face him and kneels before him. "Suleyman, I have  undergone my punishment...I am asking for your high forgiveness. Please forgive this helpless cariye of yours...shelter me in your mercy...let this torture stop... already...let it finish..."Suleyman's eyes change. He lifts her "O my night, O my darkness, O my brightness...If you put poison in one hand and in the other hand is my curing lover...what can I do, who am I to heal my pain..when itself is the manifestation of the Padhishah (Sultan) who persecutes me..." they make up.... and they embrace...

In Istanbul, at day...there are doctors checking Ayaz Pasha...but realize he is dead...they close his eyes and put his arms on his chest and cover him with a blanket...

Suleyman is announced into his Diva...the Pasha as present. Suleyman asks what happened to Ayaz and Lutfi says it is the same...they pray for him when Bali Bey arrives. He says forgive me, but there is something you must know...he says: "Vizier-i Azam (The Grand Vizier), Ayaz Pasha, has died...They pray for him...

In the harem the doors, Sumbul has the doors open and Hurrem arrives. All the cariyes bow...Sumbul says: "Finally you have come...and brought honour by stepping with your blessed feet" he tells her he took care of everything while she was away...

Meanwhile, Suleyman asks Ebusuud about funeral arrangements for Ayaz...and Ebusuud says that the plague is contagious, so the arrangements will have to be done differently... Suleyman is saddened and says first Mustafa and now Ayaz and then prays for them...then he says the State must he appoints Lutfi Pasha as Grand Vizier. Lutfi bows and goes to kiss the Sultan's robe...

Shah is surprised to see Hurrem. Hurrem bows and greets her. She says means you returned and Hurrem says no one can get in between me and our Hunkar and perhaps you will learn from this and not try to do it again and Shah says you may have returned...but this isn't the Palace you once left...things are not as they seem...for example, Ayaz Pasha has died...and my husband, Lutfi Pasha has been appointed!


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