
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Memories Of Fatmagul-Akhir Mera Kasoor Kiya

Here I am sharing some memories of Fatmagul-Akhir Mera Kasoor Kiya ....


who are engaged  & about to marry, love each other a lot.
     Mustafa is a fisherman,
he is building his house where he could live with  Fatmagul
after marriage. Fatmagul lives with her brother (Rahmi bhaiya)
, nephew (Murat)
& sister in law (Muqaddas)

in their house & give second hand in their dairy.
Kareem Ilgaz 
protagonist of the drama lives with his sister whom he calls Maryam Aapa (famous with her name ABENINE).
Kareem is a mechanic & works with Ghalib Ustad in his shop while Abenine is a herbalist (make medicines using herbs) & serves people of   Izmir , people  from all over the Turkey also come to her for their treatments.  
Saleem Yasaran
is coming Izmir to celebrate his engagement ceremony with  Meltem
daughter of  a politician.
Erdogan Yasaran
is a first cousin of Saleem Yasaran have also come Izmir to attend engagement ceremony, he is jealous of Saleem Yasaran due to his wealth.
Vural Nimli
friend of Yasaran's is also invited in engagement ceremony.


The story is basically based on a trauma suffering girl Fatmagul, Fatima a poor girl living in the village of Izmir , innocent & pure become a victim of four friends who are drugged & have lost their senses. Yasaran's worker makes an order to Muqaddas (Fatima's sister in law). Fatima & Muqaddas are serving Yasaran's. In the mean time she accidentally meet Kareem & Vural. Kareem is fascinated with her beauty & innocence & can't help her to stare her. At night during engagement ceremony
Erdogan gives a tablet to all 3 friend & they use it. They all lost their senses. Kareem again calls Fatima & tries to talk to her but she ignored as Mustafa calls her out. Mustafa feels jealousy & become angry with Fatima. Fatima apologies to him & tells him that she will come at night to see off him.

Fatima was on her way to see off  her love Mustafa but unfortunately comes across with those drugged friends. She tries to escape but all in vain they all catch her & raped her, then they all enjoy swimming & go their home back. Kareem, the protagonist after being conscious recall his memory & feel so much ashamed of his act despite of the fact that he didn't rape her.
He cried a lot & think about that poor girl.
 Abenine found Fatima in a worst condition & call police & ambulance and save her from her cruel sister in law.
Mustafa left her & burn his own house.
Fatmagul is in great shock. Kareem turned her life upside down especially after Mustafa, he abandoned her and she is forced to marry Karim in order to wash her honor
and Karim to escape penalty and she moves with her husband to live in Istanbul.
Fatima of course hated Karim and he deeply regret for what he did to her and falls in love with her but Fatima in the beginning continue to hatred him but later on she start loving him. They hire a case against Yasaran's which they win after great struggle, renew their marriage & happily lived after.


Basic theme of Fatmagul is to give those girls a strength who have suffered the same trauma & are silent in order to keep their family's reputation clean, it's not just Fatmagul's story, it's the story of all those victims who keep quiet after being raped because they are afraid no one would believe them or because their aggressors are rich and influential or are from their own family.
Most importantly, it's a story of survival. A girl who had been through the worst possible scenario, recovers from the tragedy and comes back to live her life, without feeling ashamed or holding herself responsible for her misery. She is not a specimen of victim mentality and is not looking for anyone's sympathies. She is a strong girl, a role model for rape victims, she has come out of this tragedy a stronger person and wants to fight for justice, not just for herself but for others like her.


Best memories of Fatmagul & Kareem were about their love , trust & sincerity.

Love was when Kareem agreed to marry Fatima to save her reputation & to give her support even when she hated him a lot. 

It was when Mustafa attack on Kareem's house & destroy every thing. Kareem become so angry & was going to avenge Mustafa but stop because Fatmagul asked him not to do so. 

It was when Kareem every time tries to convince her that he is not faulty, but yes he was with those guilty boys, who were his friends & tries to apologies her. 
It was when he was leaving Istanbul & write a letter to Fatima & apologies her & told her about his feelings of Love & guilt and he can't leave Istanbul just because of Fatmagul & came to know about the reality that how deeply he is in love with Fatmagul.
It was when Kareem was tense & worried about Fatmagul when she left him & his house & start living with Asu and after finding her when he hold Fatmagul in his hands & his tears start flowing & in the mean time one of his tear drop on Fatima's face.

It was when he keep her bracelet as the most expensive or worthy thing. 

It was when he consistently remind her that it was not her fault & she should come out of the trauma & start living a happy life with him. 

It was when they first dance with each other.

It was in their first smile. 

It was when they both cried together.

It was when he admitted before police the whole truth.

It was when he give strength to Fatima to stand against their rival & not to fear. 

It was when he beat Erdogan or Mustafa to save Fatima.

It was when he first dream about Fatmagul. 

It was when he fight with Mustafa & hold Fatmagul hands.

It was when they hug each other when Fatmagul visits him in jail.

It was when he gifts Fatima wedding gown & then tore his own gift for Fatima because Erdogan touch it.

It was when she forgive him & start loving him and It was when she support him in his every decision.

It was when she nurse him when he was in hospital.

It was when she meet Kareem when he come out of jail.

It was when they had their first kiss. 

It was when they first sing together.

It was when they first stay outside their home.

It was when she goes to meet him when he was angry with her.

It was when they renew their marriage.

It was in their Honeymoon period.

It was In her pregnancy.

It was in their victory. 

It was in their priorities, jealousies,

love, romance, fights & in every moment they spend.

watch video here

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