
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Some Good Health Habits

Having healthy habit is the behaviour that is established over time and with the passage of time a person performs it automatically. These habits usually develop in childhood and at the age of 11 or 12 they become part of our routine, wearing a seat belt and eating healthy and nutritious diet are example of some good health habits. So, by developing some good Health habits we may save your life. Studies show that you only have to repeat something for 21 days before it becomes part of your everyday schedule.

Now I am going to share some good health habits, everyone should practice these in daily life. 

1-Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night.


2-Brushing your teeth regularly

3-Not smoking.

4-Avoiding intake of alcohol.

5-Getting regular exercise.

6-Eating your breakfast daily.

7-Never skip your meals.

8-Don’t eat between meals.

9-Your diet should contain all the essential vitamins, protein, minerals, nutrients and also     fibres.

10-Being not more than 10% overweight.

11-Laugh every day, it will reveal your stress.

12-Be positive, and also be social.
  I am sure that by practising these habits in our daily routine we can live more healthy and active life.

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