
Monday, August 26, 2013

Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds

Birds are one of the most amazing creation by our God. They are the only animals except bats that have the ability to freely fly in the sky anywhere and whenever they wanted. Birds can be domesticated or wild. Some birds that can be your pet are parrots. Other birds are used mainly for agricultural purposes or livestock. These birds are the chickens, ducks, turkeys and many more.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds

Other birds are called migratory birds. These birds unlike the two kinds of birds mentioned earlier are birds that never stay in a one particular place. They always migrate, wherein they fly from one distant place to another. For this post we are gonna showcase the top 10 most beautiful birds in the world. And your top 10 list is as follows.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Birds

TOP : 1
Bird's Name : Peacock or Peafowl
Scientific name : Pavo
Rank : Genus
Higher classification : Phasianinae

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Peacocks came from the pheasant family Phasianidae and genus Pavo. They are best known for the male's extravagant eye-spotted tail covert feathers, which it displays as part of courtship. There are two species of peacocks, namely, Asiatic and African species.

TOP : 2
Bird's Name : Blue Jay
Scientific name : Cyanocitta cristata
Rank : Species
Higher classification : Cyanocitta

Blue Jay
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These birds are commonly found and native to North America specially in Canada. Blue Jay is a passerine bird that belongs to the Corvidae family.

TOP : 3
Bird's Name : Grey Crowned Crane
Scientific name : Balearica regulorum
Rank : Species
Higher classification : Balearica

Crowned Crane
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This bird belongs to the Gruidae family of birds. Grey Crowned Crane occurs in dry savannah in Africa which is south of the Sahara desert. But this bird nests in a wetter habitat.

TOP : 4
Bird's Name : Crimson Sunbird
Scientific name : Aethopyga siparaja
Rank : Species
Higher classification : Aethopyga

Crimson Sunbird
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This sunbird family feed mainly on nectar. They also eat insects most specially during young ages. With their short wings, crimson sunbirds can fly in fast speed with a direct flight.

TOP : 5
Bird's Name : Flamingo
Scientific name : Phoenicopterus
Rank : Genus
Higher classification : Phoenicopteridae
Lower classifications : American Flamingo, Lesser Flamingo

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There are four flamingo species in the Americas and two species in the Old World.

TOP : 6
Bird's Name : Hoatzin
Scientific name : Ophisthocomus hoazin

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This birds are also known as Hoactzin, Stinkbird and Canje Pheasant. Hoatzin is a species of the tropical bird which are mainly found in swamps, riverine forest and mangrove of the Amazon and the Orinoco delta in South America.

TOP : 7
Bird's Name : Cardinal Bird
Scientific name : Cardinalidae
Rank : Family
Higher classification : Passerine
Lower classifications : Cyanocompsa, Spiza, Cardinalis

Cardinal Bird
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They belong to the family of Cardinalidae. They are passerine birds found in North and South America. Also known as cardinal-grosbeaks and cardinal-buntings, they are used as symbols of Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia.

TOP : 8
Bird's Name : Frigatebird
Scientific name : Fregata
Rank : Genus
Higher classification : Fregatidae
Lower classifications : Magnificent Frigatebird

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These birds belong to the Fregatidae family of seabirds. Frigatebirds have five species in the single Fregata. They are also called Man of War birds or even Pirate Birds.

TOP : 9
Bird's Name : Himalayan Monal
Scientific name : Lophophorus impejanus
Rank : Species
Higher classification : Lophophorus

Himalayan Monal
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They are also known as Impeyan Monal, Impeyan Pheasant and Danphe. Himalayan Monal or Lophophorous impejanus is a bird that belongs to the pheasant family also known as Phasianidae.

TOP : 10
Bird's Name : Baltimore Oriole
Scientific name : Icterus galbula
Rank : Species
Higher classification : New World oriole

Baltimore Oriole
Image by Terry Sohl
They are commonly found in eastern North America as migratory birds. Baltimore Oriole is a small icterid blackbird. This bird received its name from the fact that the male's colors resemble those on the coat-of-arms of Lord Baltimore. These birds are used as the symbol of Maryland.

Indeed! they are all cool and beautiful birds. I hope I can see one of these birds for real. If you have any comments don't hesitate to comment below.
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