
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Top Characters in the Bible

For this post we are going to list the major biblical figures. People of the Bible have many impacts in our present life most specially for Christians worldwide. These characters are the one who contributed the most to major events that also occurred in the Bible. All of these people, from the Old up to the New Testament are always guided by our God. In the Old Testament God the Father always commanded these people with special tasks like offering, sacrificing, going from one place to another, battling and many more commands. In the New Testament on the other hand, Jesus Christ came and He replaced all the Old Testament commandments with much more strict commandments.

Top Characters in the Bible

Faith has been the basis of Christianity worldwide. There are so many churches that occurred saying that they are the real one. But as the Bible said we must always investigate for our own sake. Even though religion will not going to save us but if you knew the commandments you will wanted to save those people who are on a religion that is fake, because you as the one with the knowledge of the Bible will be held liable for those who didn't knew what they are doing.

Bible characters already showed how big their faith is with our God and Lord Jesus Christ. The only thing that is needed to do is make these characters in the Bible our models. Even though we can't do miracles or many unbelievable things, faith is not measured by these things. We have to remember that even the Lord Jesus Christ when he came down to the world and performed so many miracles, most of the people didn't believe Him and said he is a big blasphemy. 

Faith without action is still useless. Some religions out there believed that faith alone can save one's soul and when he or she died, automatically he or she will go to heaven. But they are wrong, if you only have faith but your actions are wrong is that a real faith? Or maybe faith in Satan? Some people also believed that when they came to kissed or even touched the so called "holy saint" made up of stone curved by hands of people, all their sickness was gone, all their problems are gone, all their prayers are answered by god. Not knowing that even Satan can answer their prayers. Well, I do pray for those people, I myself is still committing sins everyday. But those sins are minimized because of the faith and action that I am willing to do for my Lord God.

I really don't get those people who are trying to believe that there is no God. Come on guys be practical. Why? because following what the characters in the bible already did and all the commandments of God will not harm you at all. And making Him your Lord and Savior won't do any damage unto you. Or maybe you can't just resist what this world can offer? Well, well, well, it is still up to you to decide. God didn't make as like robots but God created us on His own image. You have all your freedom to do what you want 24/7. That is how great our God is. Now for the top characters in the Bible here is your list. 

Top Characters in the Bible


He is God's risen Son, the savior of the world. He turned the water into wine and opened the eyes of the blind. He made a way for all mankind. He sacrificed Himself for all people to be save. Because none is worthy enough to be sacrifice, His Holy blood enabled us to be freed from all sins, sickness and evil doings of our lives before. Jesus Christ is not any type of people out there that is known to history, simply because He is a God. Even though some churches said He is just a person which is definitely wrong understanding of the Bible. We must always remember that yes His body is a person but the Spirit inside the body is a spirit came from God the Father.


Abraham's faith is one of the most biggest faith that is recorded in the Bible. He is one of the character in the Bible that is willing to do anything just to follow what God wanted him to do. As we already knew he is the father of Isaac. And in the Old testament God tested him by making Isaac a sacrifice. To the point of being a father to your son, honestly, can you do what Abraham did? Of course not, let us all be frank here. Abraham is the husband of Sarah, Hagar and Ketura. His sons are Ishmael and Isaac.


He is the son of Abraham and the father of Esau and Jacob. His mother is Sarah and brother of Ishmael with his father's another wife Hagar. Isaac was the only biblical patriarch whose name was not changed, and the only one who did not leave Canaan. Compared to those of Abraham and Jacob, Isaac's story relates fewer incidents of his life. He died when he was 180 years old, making him the longest-lived patriarch.


In the Hebrew Bible, he is the son of Isaac and Rebekah, the grandson of Abraham, Sarah and of Bethuel, and the younger twin brother of Esau. Jacob had twelve sons and at least one daughter, by his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and by their female handmaids Bilhah and Zilpah. The children named in Genesis were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, daughter Dinah, Joseph, and Benjamin.


He is the author of Pentateuch or the first five books of the Old Testament namely, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Moses led the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, after which they based themselves at Mount Sinai, where Moses received the Ten Commandments. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, Moses died within sight of the Promised Land.


He is a prophet who is bald. He also defended that God is for real against the followers of god Baal. Many believed that he is already in heaven with God but that's not true as the bible clearly stated in the Book of John 3:13 that no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. Even though it was clearly stated in the book of II Kings 2:11 that ....Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven, still that's not the the THIRD HEAVEN where God is which is clearly stated at II Corinthians 12:2. Take note that the first heaven were Elijah was caught up is the Atmosphere. The second heaven on the other hand is the heaven of stars, sun and other heavenly bodies and the third heaven is where the throne of God is.


He was one of the twelve spies of Israel sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan. (Numbers 13:1-16) After the death of Moses, he led the Israelite tribes in the conquest of Canaan, and allocated the land to the tribes. According to Biblical chronology, Joshua lived between 1355-1245 BCE, or sometime in the late Bronze Age. According to Joshua 24:29, Joshua died at the age of 110. During his time an unbelievable event happened wherein the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day which is stated in the Book of Joshua 10:13.


His original name was Saul. During the day where he didn't knew the real teachings of God, Paul is one of the critics of the early Christians. He even killed before he was converted to a Christian. The process of converting him into a Christian or follower of Christ is quite terrible, wherein Jesus Christ blinded him. But once he accepted the faith and followed God and after he was baptized, his eyes returned back to normal. Paul is one of the most successful apostle that covered so many different lands while he was teaching the word of God.


David is one of the most influential character in the bible for he truly possessed an enormous faith in our God. He showed this faith when he was going to face a giant named Goliath in a one on one battle. He is a real prayer motivator and a real warrior of our God. He doesn't look on how huge the problem is or how difficult the situation can be. What he always look is what God can do for him. Truly, a character worth to be a model for our children and ourselves.


She is the mother of Jesus Christ when the Son of God went to earth in the form of a human being. Other religion worship Mary which is really a big no no in the bible. Mary herself clearly stated when she is still alive (in the bible) not to worship her because she is also a person like us. Come on guys, read the bible. Do not just believe in what your priest, pastor or any other preachers said. Do not even trust or believe in what I am saying. The most important thing is READ THE BIBLE YOURSELF FIRST.


John was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus according to The Bible. He was the son of Zebedee and Salome and brother of James, son of Zebedee, another of the Twelve Apostles. Christian tradition holds that he outlived the remaining apostles—all of whom suffered martyrdom (except Judas Iscariot— who ultimately died from hanging himself for betraying Jesus).[1] The Church Fathers consider him the same person as John the Evangelist, John of Patmos, and the Beloved Disciple. Wikipedia

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