
Friday, September 20, 2013

21st September : World Gratitude Day

World Gratitude Day began in 1965 at a dinner party hosted by a United Nations leader. This fella encouraged everyone at the table, a constellation of high-ranking government officials from dozens of countries to celebrate gratitude and count their blessings.
It became an annual tradition one that’s observed all over the world.

21 September is World Gratitude Day!
What are you thankful for? It doesn't need to be for anything specific - you can simply be grateful. Or use it as an opportunity to say some specific thanks. Thank you for holding the door open for me. Thanks for cooking me a delicious meal. Thanks for being my friend. Thanks to help me. Even say thanks for saying thanks!
There is such power in those two words – they are the utmost sign of grace and acknowledgement to another person! That’s why if you go to a foreign country, knowing how to say thank you is impressive even if you don’t have the best grasp of the language overall.
Say thanks for something that means something to you. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you. Thank you for giving birth to me. Or thanks for saving my life.
No thank you is insignificant ! just remember to give gratitude when someone deserves it.
Even if there is no-one to say thanks to make sure you show your gratitude. Smile because it is a sunny day. Tell your friend you are grateful that the bus was on time. Thank the shop assistant when they provide you with your desired thing.
Be creative about showing your gratitude on gratitude day ! sing it, dance it, write it, video it, even just text it! If you are really grateful you can give a gift. make it a homemade one and truly get involved in World Gratitude Day!
Lets start from giving thanks to Almighty for each and every of His blessing & then shower your gratitude for His beings for any reason. Make this day yours. Say thanks and make other feel that they are special..
Thank you for reading it or just opening it :)

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