Beside exposing themselves to great dangers working on relatively primitive machines, the workers also had to deal with 12 hour (or longer) working time with no breaks, feeding on rotten porridge with Sunday being their only free day (half of which they had to spend in the church). We've also seen their efforts in organizing strikes and in fighting for their rights against their employers who kept them almost as slaves (either by keeping them away from their families
and even hiding their birth certificates from them, or by forcing them to work mercilessly for poor food, shameful accommodation and not much else).
Beside exposing themselves to great dangers working on relatively primitive machines, the workers also had to deal with 12 hour (or longer) working time with no breaks, feeding on rotten porridge with Sunday being their only free day (half of which they had to spend in the church). We've also seen their efforts in organizing strikes and in fighting for their rights against their employers who kept them almost as slaves (either by keeping them away from their families

The second season brings new storylines and some new characters set four years after the first season of THE MILL which tells the story of life in Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire during the 1830s through the

Based on the extensive historical archive of Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire and real people's lives, this powerful drama series depicts Britain at a time when the industrial revolution is changing the country beyond recognition. The series deals with themes of worker's rights, safety in millwork, child labour laws and the political movement to improve these conditions. The second seasons also introduces whole families who are forced to work in THE MILL after losing their farms and all
ways of earning a living. They toil in the mill with their children who spend their childhoods as workers and are aware that, as horrid as they are, the savage conditions in the workshop are still better than letting their kids die from hunger in the streets.
Based on the extensive historical archive of Quarry Bank Mill in Cheshire and real people's lives, this powerful drama series depicts Britain at a time when the industrial revolution is changing the country beyond recognition. The series deals with themes of worker's rights, safety in millwork, child labour laws and the political movement to improve these conditions. The second seasons also introduces whole families who are forced to work in THE MILL after losing their farms and all

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