
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Side Effects of Diet Pills and their Alternatives

It is a common trend to use weight loss pills or diet pills to reduce the weight. But we should be careful using these kinds of medicines, just imagine if these pills really work then why 2/3 of the US adults are overweight.
Mainly the weight reducing medicines cannot eliminate or remove the fats from our body but they only melt them and we fell that we have reduced our weight but the fact is that these fats will again appear.

Side Effects of Diet Pills;
 There are many harmful effects of using these kinds of medicines they can damage your kidney, liver and many problems related to heart may also occur. Some other side effects include headache, back pain, abdominal pain, hypertension, constipation, nausea, thirst, joint disorder, insomnia, dizziness, anxiety, depression, rash, acne, etc.
 I am not saying that these medicines would not be used in any case but we should try to avoid them until there is no way to use them. We should adopt the active life style to reduce the chances of being overweight. As we all know that “Prevention is better than cure”. It’s true that we can minimize chances of getting many diseases including obesity by only changing our life style and dietary habits. There are some medical reasons which may be the cause of obesity but also our daily routine also plays a major role in this case.
Alternatives to diet pills;
Here are some important suggestions for you to maintain a healthy weight,
1. Increase the fat metabolism so that you may get rid of excess fats and have more energy for daily activities. For this purpose regular exercise is very beneficial.

2. Avoid sedentary lifestyle, try to be active and keep moving, other than watching TV, maximum time of watching TV should not exceed 2 hours.
3. Include the fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
4. Concentrate on the quality of diet rather than the quantity of diet, eat less but healthy food.
5. Never skip your breakfast, a healthy and nutritious breakfast is very important to start an active day, you can eat some fruits or light food in your lunch time and don’t eat heavy meals in night because we generally sleep after dinner and the food become deposited in our body.
6. Don’t sleep immediately after dinner, you can go for slight walk or be involve in some other activity. It will help you food to settle down at much extent.
7. Avoid Alcohol and all soft drinks, these things only damage your health.
8. Drink green tea, and also drink luke warm water in morning.
9. Reduce intake of fast foods, and foods rich in fats and oils.
            All things mentioned above may be helpful for you to maintain a healthy weight and in turn an active life. You should always maintain your appropriate body mass index, regularly check your weight and if your weight is increasing immediately control your diet.

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