
Sunday, March 24, 2013

What is the best medicine in world?

             Do you know what best medicine in the world is? It is a good laugh. You should understand that laughter can’t cure diseases but it can reduce the stress which is very essential for being healthy.

            Researches also suggest that laughter helps us in many ways, both emotionally and physically. It keeps your heart stronger, may lower blood sugar level, cholesterol, reduces depression and stress. If we talk about the social life it helps a person to be more social and having many friends.

            There are many marvelous advantages of laughter which we can experience in daily life such as,

1. It helps to reduce the risk of problems related to heart.

2. It also increases the production of some healthy bio chemicals like serotonin and some other, these bio chemicals help to cure some chronic diseases and disorders.

3. A good laughing can relieve muscle tension and make you feel more relaxed.

4. Stress hormones are decreased as laughter reduces stress.

5. Laughter boosts our immune system, because our body releases many infection fighting antibodies.

6. Studies indicate that laughter reduces the pain.
7. Laughter can also help to stay healthy by maintaining body weight.

8. It also lowers the blood sugar level.

9. Also reduces blood pressure.

10. Laughter brings up positive changes in mood.

11. Laughter helps people to be friendly more social. People generally like the person having good sense of humor.

12. It can improve our daily performance and creativity, because good sense of humor able to face the challenges.

13. It improves memory and learning.

Some amazing quotes about laughter:

“I laugh because I must not cry, that is all, that is all.” 
Abraham Lincoln

“A day without laughter is a day wasted”
Charlie Chaplin

“I don't trust anyone who doesn't laugh.” 
Maya Angelou

“Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it.” 
 L.M. Montgomery

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” 
Mark Twain

“Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine.” 
George Gordon Byron

“If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane.” 
Jimmy Buffett

“He deserves Paradise who makes his companions laugh.Koran

“Laughter is inner jogging.” Norman Cousins

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