
Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I. The Magnificent was born on November 6th 1494. He was the Sultan of the
Ottoman Empire from the 1520th year. Under his leadership, the Ottoman Empire
reached its zenith. He won a Rhodes island, Belgrade, defeated  the Hungarian army at the Battle of Mohács,
annexed parts of northern Africa and conquered Transylvania. However in Vienna he
did not manage to win. 1529th fell siege around Vienna that the Turks
established and their conquest of Central Europe was stoped. He died during the
Siget siege in 1566.

Within the Empire, Suleyman the Magnificent was known as a good and just ruler.
He brought many new laws and built many bridges, mosques, libraries, etc. His
legacy is among other Old Bridge (1557-1566) and Karadozbeg Mosque (1557) in
Mostar, Aladza mosque in Foca (1550-1551), Bajrakli mosques in Belgrade and
many other cultural and religious buildings.

Suleyman was born in the Trabzon province in the Black Sea, most likely on 6th
November in 1494. At the age of seven began his education in the field of
science, history, literature, theology, and military tactics in school in Topkapi
Palace in Istanbul. As a young man, he made friends with Ibrahim, a slave which
later became one of his most important advisers. At 17 years old, young Suleyman
was appointed governor of Kaffe (Theodosia), then Sarukhana (Manisa). After the
death of his father, Selim I (1512-1520), Suleyman entered Istanbul and took
the throne as the 10th Ottoman Sultan. An early description of Suleyman I by
Bartolomeo Contarini, Italian writer, a few weeks after taking office.
Contarini writes: "He is 25 years old, tall, but wiry, reddish colored
face. His neck is a little too long, his face narrow, and aquiline nose. Has a
small beard, despite everything has a very pleasing appearance, though his skin
color still tilted to white. It was said to be a wise ruler, a lover of
learning, and all the people are expecting only good during his reign. "

As soon as he succeeded his father, Suleyman began military conquests,
initially destroying rebel Ottoman appointed governor of Damascus in 1521st
year. Suleyman subsequently began preparations for the conquest of Belgrade
from the kingdom of Hungary, which his great-grandfather Mehmed II had failed.
His commitment was crucial to the Ottoman Empire as the Kingdom of Hungary by
the efforts of Serbia, Bulgaria and parts of Byzantium was the only force that
could stop the Turks. Suleyman has encircled Belgrade and began a series of
heavy bombardment with ade from navy on the Danube. With an army of only 700
people, not gaining any help from the kingdom of Hungary, Belgrade fell in the
8th month of 1521st year.

The news of the conquest of Belgrade spread fear across the whole of Europe.
Ambassador of the Roman Empire in Istanbul, wrote, "The occupation of
Belgrade was the beginning of dramatic events that crushed Hungary. Led to the
death of King Louis, the capture of Buda, the occupation of Transylvania, the
destruction of the kingdom and the fear of neighboring nations that they will
suffer the same fatal fate .. .. "

The road to Hungary and Austria was open, but Suleyman turned his attention to
the island of Rhodes in the eastern Mediterranean, whose proximity to Asia
Minor and the Levant was a perennial plague for Ottoman interests. In the
summer 1522nd with the navy he inherited from his father, Suleyman
sent the armada of 400 ships while personally led an army of 100,000 across
Asia Minor to the other end of the island. After a long siege of five months
with brutal consequences, Rhodes capitulated and Suleyman allowed the Knights
of Rhodes to withdraw and set up a new base in Malta.

When relations with the Hungarian deteriorated, Suleyman resumed his campaign
in Central Europe. 29th August 1526. he defeated Louis II of Hungary at the
Battle of Mohacs field. Hungarian resistance fell and the Ottoman Empire became
the greatest power in Eastern Europe. Upon discovering the dead body of King
Louis, Suleyman said, lamenting: "I actually went with my army against
him, but it was not my desire to put an end to a brief enjoyment of life and

Under the leadership of Charles V and his father Ferdinand, Archduke of
Austria, Habsburg Monarchy won Buda and took Hungary. Some Hungarian nobles
proposed that Ferdinand, Archduke of Habsburg monarchy is the king of Hungary.
However, other nobles supported Ivan Zapolja which was supported by Suleyman, but
he remained undesirable by the Christian world. As a result, 1529th, Suleyman
once again led the army to the Danube valley and again won the Buda and that
fall begins siege of Vienna. It will be shown that it was the most ambitious
Ottoman expedition. With an army of 20,000 men, the Austrians have set Suleyman
first defeat. The next attempt to take Vienna collapsed 1532nd year when
Suleyman withdrew before he came to town, after a long siege of  Kiseg which was defended by the Croatian army
led by Nikola Jurisic. In both cases, the Ottoman army had bad weather and were
forced to leave equipment on the battlefield. 1540th renewed conflict in
Hungary opened to Suleyman opportunity to avenge for the defeat at Vienna.
1541st Habsburgs restarts clashes with the Ottomans, attempting to capture Budim.
Their attempts were rejected, and a large number of Habsburg fortress were conquered
for revenge. Ferdinand and his brother Charles V were forced to sign a
humiliating five-year peace treaty with Suleyman. Ferdinand has renewed its
protectorate over Hungary but was forced to pay an annual tribute to Suleyman
for all countries in his government.

In 1566. the ottoman army is again moving to Vienna in order to win. Shortly
before coming to Vienna, Suleyman I. dies. On his deathbed he commands his
generals to arrange a retreat to avoid the chaos around inheriting the crown.

Suleyman I the Magnificent died 5th September in 1566. at the siege of Siget
which defended Nikola Subic Zrinski. After the fight between the children that
took place in the sultan's life new sultan becomes his successor and son Selim

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